CHENGDU, CHINA - Media OutReach - 22 December 2020 - Relicase, a professional manufacturer ofhigh-end display cases and the leading brand of display cases in China, hasannounced to have fabricated museum display "black boxes" in Museumof Islamic Art Doha.
The Museum of Islamic Art Doha is so far the most comprehensive museumthemed on Islamic Art. It contains Islamic artworks from all over the world.Paintings, glass, metalwork, manuscripts, and textiles dating from the 7thcentury to the 13th century BC stitches together a glorious history of Islam.
Collaborating with famous French interior designer Wilmotte & AssociésSA, Relicase fabricated museum display cases for these treasures in thegalleries. Designed as "black boxes" without natural light, thegalleries are quite literally made to allow visitors to appreciate theseobjects of utilitarian origin. The showcases fade and float in the air so as tobest enhance the artworks. These display cases secure and blend perfectly intothe awe-inspiring interior spaces of the museum.
This perfect realization of bold concepts of the case design is a specialtyof Relicase. Showcases were made to pass the most rigorous quality tests. Aftermore than ten years from their installation, one can still find the samedistinction in the bold design that permeates throughout these I.M. Pei'sinspired exhibition halls.
Relicase proved its excellence in showcase manufacturing once again withfirst-class quality tested by the highest international standards and cooperationwith major museums around the world.
Established in 2004. Relicase is a professional manufacturer of high-enddisplay cases and is the leading brand of display cases in China which strivesto be a premier brand in this category in the world. Relicase alwaysincorporates constant improvements in products and encourages innovation intechnical applications. We have supplied customized display cases and technicalservices to more than 370 museums, art galleries, libraries, culturalinstitutions and private collectors in 17 countries and regions around theworld.