HANOI, VIETNAM - Media OutReach - 8 December 2020- OnDecember 4, the VinCSS-FIDO2 product by VinCSS Cyber Security Services LLC (amember of Vingroup) was included in the list of passwordless authenticatorsrecommended by Microsoft for use on Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) - one ofits key platforms. Vingroup became thefirst Vietnamese enterprise to be included in this list alongside 12 otherleading security companies in the world.
Researchedand developed by VinCSS Cyber Security Services LLC (a member of Vingroup),the VinCSS FIDO2 authenticator was officially recommended for use by Microsoft on MicrosoftHybrid Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). As Microsoft's cloud-basedidentity and access management service, Azure Active Directory enhances thesecurity of logging in and accessing internal and external resources. Beforeincluding VinCSS FIDO2 authenticator in this list, the Microsoft team assessedand tested this product in addition to interviewing and learning about VinCSS'sbusiness and technology capabilities for nearly six months.
The VinCSS FIDO2 authenticator enablesusers to securely log in to Microsoft Azure AD without a password. All usersneed to do is to connect the VinCSS FIDO2 authenticator to their computer andexperience a seamless login with high security during the working process. Thisalso helps minimise the risk of information disclosure due to logging bypassword and phishing attacks for account takeover.
As a strong authenticator, VinCSS FIDO2 alsosupports passwordless authentication on many other Microsoft platforms such asWindows 10, Office 365 and Windows Hello.
As of December 2020, only 13 out of hundreds ofauthenticators including VinCSS FIDO2 can satisfy the parameters and strictrequirements for login process in Microsoft Azure AD.
Do Ngoc Duy Trac, General Director ofVinCSS said: "VinCSS has completed the development of VinCSS FIDO2, aninternational standard strong passwordless authentication ecosystem, acomprehensive 'Make in Viet Nam' platform, which is capable of changing thegame in the cybersecurity field by providing strong authentication with greatuser experience. This ecosystem includes various types of FIDO2 keys and asystem of specialised technology solutions capable of reducing up to 80 percent of network security risks, completely eliminating risks from phishingattacks and stealing account information and OTP."
Being selected to accompany tech giant Microsofthas affirmed VinCSS' ability to satisfy the most difficult customers andmarkets in the world while creating opportunities for Viet Nam's technologicalmastery in the international market.
Reference Information:
VinCSS FIDO2® Touch 1 is thefirst strong authentication key by Viet Nam to achieve the FIDO2 certificationissued by FIDO Alliance. VinCSS FIDO2 Touch 1 works quickly and effectively bylogging in to your online accounts without passwords, OTP codes or otherauthentication applications. Customers can buy this product directly here.Please visit passwordless.vincss.net for more information about the strong VinCSS FIDO2 Touch 1 authenticator andVinCSS FIDO2 ecosystem. (Click here to see the recommendation byMicrosoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/authentication/concept-authentication-passwordless)