HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 8 December2020 - BINGO(HK) --- the bestwebsite design company in Hong Kong, launches a new version of websitemanagement and online store management system every year. The pandemic in 2020increased the enterprises' needs of website application and e-commerce.BINGO(HK) thus upgraded its system and launched its online store system whichis much more suitable for the local, Chinese and international markets.
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The globally largest domain name registrar, namely GoDaddyindicated in its 2020 annual report that there were over 20 million newlyregistered domain names three years ago. However, only 29.79% of them hadrenewed in the second year while therein only 32.00% continued to renew in thethird year. The 2016 report from Forbes also shows that 84% of the onlinestores closed within 3 years.
THOMAS pointed out, "The 2019 report from the Office ofCommunications -- Media Use and Attitudes Report indicates that 92.1% of thepeople in Britain tried online shopping. Nowadays, this is already a networkdominating era. A set of outstanding system is very important to thedevelopment of a company. BINGO persists in producing websites with high returnrate that the system will use programmes like heatmap, AI techniques and thesystem has also passed multiple security check."
The Hong Kong actress, namely Vivien Yeo, shared herexperience on running her online store in some videos that since every onlinestore system has different problems, she tried 4 systems within her 7 years ofonline store operation and each time she changed a system, inconveniencecaused. She also mentioned that some systems ran into problems after severalyears of operation and this brought her great losses. She invested over 1million HKD to develop and maintain so as to run her online store business. Upto the present, there are still many companies launch their systems directlywithout passing stress tests or security tests. When the number of websitevisitors or orders exceeds a certain limit, problems occur and this willfinally lead to tremendous loss of income which requires a large amount ofmoney to pay for the maintenance fee to resolve the problems.
Utilise Technology and Professional Design, Reduce Manpower,to be Real Electronic
The System Development Team of BINGO analyses thousands ofwebsites every year including the works and actions of each websiteadministrator. In case the sales volume reaches tens of millions per month, theplans of product management, logistics management will be considered during thesystem design process. Moreover, BINGO has conducted stress test thus thewebsites will be able to run normally even if there are over 200 thousand ofvisitors browsing simultaneously. This brings a smooth online shoppingexperience to the visitors.
Highly Flexible System
Thomas Yeung mentioned that most of the time enterprisesused multiple systems (e.g. CRM, ERP, POS, etc.) to assist with different dailyroutines. However, it actually ignored data sharing and integration ofdifferent departments which led to the problem of main business data failed tobe displayed centrally.
Online Store Integrated with AI
The 2020 new version of online store system integrates with AIartificial intelligence element together with text identifier system whichsupports Cantonese dialogues. It is similar to the Apple Siri function thatimmediate dialogues with clients can be carried out which allowed 24-houronline support service. Thomas said that there were about 10 customer servicecolleagues supporting online service in the past, but it only required 4colleagues in the future with the AI function equipped. This truly made thingselectronic by using big data system.
Upgrade and Maintain -- A Challenge Without an End
Bingo(HK) is the first service provider who launched the back-endpermanent use in Hong Kong. The website system security level is checkedannually and corresponding upgrade and improvement will carried out. There isalso routine check for the website source code. Although it seems like that the maintenance cost is quite high, the systemsecurity is more secured and the years of lifespan will be longer because ofthe continuous upgrade of core system in the long term.
Obtained International Certificate
BINGO has been training colleagues for obtaining the CISSPqualification since 2018 to reach the most secured website design companystandard in Hong Kong. Currently, all the BINGO System Development Department staffhas obtained the related certification.
BINGO, the largest website design group in Hong Kong, wasestablished in 2009. It is also the first Hong Kong website design companyentered the UK and Singapore market. Currently, it has set up sub-companies inthe UK, Singapore, Thailand and Shanghai to serve over 8,000 clients. Thewell-known ACER, HSBC, Haier Group and the Territory-wide Identity CardReplacement Exercise are all BINGO's clients. BINGO always values the qualityof the website system that only high-quality websites can bring businessopportunities to enterprises. Different from other Asian website designcompanies, BINGO has its own exclusive system development team which is led bya former university lecturer with over 15 years of website management anddevelopment experiences. Different system updates are conducted annually tocater to market demand. It is the first company in Asia that has a developmentteam but also focuses on website design.
The online store system of BINGO(HK) enters the HKRMA (HongKong Retail Management Association) E-shop Recognition for a consecutive 5years. For more details, please visit https://en.bingohongkong.com
T: 36210308 E: cs@hk-bingo.com