KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - MediaOutReach - 20November 2020 - The Joinland Group, a diversified Malaysianconglomerate of varied business interests, has planted over 3 million trees onthe Papua New Guinea (PNG) island of New Hanover since the inception of its agriculture and forestry venture, theCentral New Hanover Agro-Forestry Project in 2012.
Thismilestone achievement is just one of many initiatives that the Joinland Grouphas undertaken to ensure the long-term and sustainable socio-economicdevelopment of both the island and its residents -- meeting its commitments as aresponsible partner to the island community.
Sincethe New Hanover Project began, Joinland Group has planted 2.5 million rubbertrees, 560,000 cocoa trees and 54,000 coconut trees in order to createsustainable jobs and income for local residents and landowners both now and inthe future.
Commentingon this achievement Dato'Sri Thomas Hah Tiing Siu, the founder of Joinland, said, "We are happy to have achieved this treeplanting milestone. Our New Hanover project in Papua New Guinea is benefittingmembers of the surrounding communities as the efforts of our labour overthe past eight years are starting to bear fruit. Our goal is to empowerthe people of New Hanover and provide opportunities for them to earnincome both in the short and long term."
Joinland's New HanoverProject, which covers a total of 56,592 hectares, was always planned as along-term project with several phases designed to contribute to the economicand social growth of the residents of New Hanover. The first phase, which wasto develop New Hanover's underutilised land in a sustainable manner, is wellunderway. While Joinland has already planted over 3 million trees, the companyis committed to hitting a target of 5 million by 2022.
The second phase of theproject, encompassing the processing and marketing of the agricultural crops,is currently in progress with the objective of ensuring that New Hanover'sfarmers and landowners reap maximum value for these agricultural resources. Thethird phase of the project is also already underway. This phase is focused onenvironmental sustainability, primarily the reforestation of areas cleared aspart of the project.
Currently Joinland isplanting 15 essential native tree species for every single tree cleared as partof its forestry activities, which fund all the socio-economic investments thatthe company is making to benefit the residents of New Hanover and the Papua NewGuinea government via enhanced tax revenues. So far, the company has plantedover 800,000 calophyllum trees, as part of its effort to preserve the naturalecosystem of the island."
Concluding Dato' SriThomas, said, "Joinland has clearly demonstrated its long-term commitment tothe sustainable socio-economic development of New Hanover and its residents. Weare happy with what we have achieved to date, but are also determined tomaintain and even enhance our efforts in partnership with the Papua New Guineagovernment, New Hanover stakeholders and residents moving forward. We remaincommitted to successfully developing the island and improving the lives ofeveryone on it."
The Joinland Group is a diversified Malaysian conglomerate includingproperty, plantation, forestry and agricultural management, insurance andshipping businesses, to name a few. The company operates businesses andinvestments in many markets including Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Australia,Papua New Guinea, China and New Zealand, among others.
The company was founded by Dato' Sri Thomas Hah Tiing Siu, a self-made entrepreneur who started out in the cold storage business. In2013 he was awarded the honorary title of Dato' Sri by the Sultan of Pahang(Malaysia) in recognition of his management skills and business acumen inbuilding the Joinland Group.
Formore information on the Joinland Group please visit www.joinlandgroup.com.my