SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 17 November 2020 - Lu International (Singapore) Financial Asset Exchange Pte. Ltd. ("LuInternational"), a subsidiary of China's leading technology-empoweredpersonal financial services platform Lufax Holding, and KASIKORNBANK, leader indigital banking and one of Thailand's largest banks, announced today the launchof FinVest, an online wealth management platform. The newdigital investment platform is aimed to help retailinvestors in Thailand gain access to a fullspectrum of onshore and offshore investment products at a low minimuminvestment amount through the extensive network and relationships brought by LuInternational, and the local expertise offered by KASIKORNBANK.
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FinVest aims to provide personalised investment solutionsfor retail investors. The online investment platform that has been built inpartnership between Lu International and KASIKORNBANK caters to digitally savvyinvestors, providing access to more than 600 funds from 15 Asset ManagementCompanies in Thailand.
"Thailand is one of the fastest growing markets in Southeast Asia and continues to see rapid wealth growth and economic development," said Greg Gibb, CEO of Lufax Holding. "Partnershipsand the sharing of technology know-how are defining the financial industryacross the region, making significant improvements to the quality of serviceand offerings to clients. Through the collective capabilitiesof Lu International and KASIKORNBANK, investors now have access tointernational investment opportunities that have previously only been availableto a select few."
Additionally, FinVest offers a curated client experience,including an enhanced design as well as user-friendly andmobile-friendly screen flows. In designingthe mobile app, Lu International and KASIKORNBANK prioritise the needs of retailinvestors. These include the ability to make informed investmentdecisions and the access to relevant investment knowledge provided by LuInternational and KASIKORNBANK in collaboration with Robowealth, a wealth-tech and investmentspecialist and investment solutions provider in Thailand. The ultimate goal of thiscollaboration is to make sure of the best investment journey to all investors.
Kit Wong, CEO of Lu International, commented, "Digital technology is rapidly changing the way investorsuse financial services. They are increasingly using digital channels to purchasefinancial products and invest. FinVest offers clients the convenience,efficiency, intelligence, and ease of use through a personalised online wealthmanagement platform that will help Thailand and its economy stay at theforefront of the digital financial revolution taking place across the region."
Mr. Patchara Samalapa, KASIKORNBANK President, said, "In 2020, Thailand's total outstanding capital market valueis worth around 44 trillion baht. Of this amount, investment in mutual fundstotals 4.8 trillion baht or around 10 percent. Of late, the younger generationhas shown increasing interest in mutual funds, preferring to conducttransactions via digital channels and seeking products related to Thai andforeign equity instruments. Moreover, open-architecture investment is growingevery year. Development of the FinVest digital platform will help enhance investmentpotential for Thai retail investors, allowing them to directly invest in globalmutual funds via FinVest".
"FinVest marks a cooperative effort towards digital technologydevelopment; KASIKORNBANK, which hasextensive digital banking expertise; Lu International -- a Singapore-based companyunder Lufax Holding, which is an associate of Ping An Group -- a large Chinesecompany with a team of world-class experts well-versed in investmenttechnology; and Robowealth Mutual Fund Brokerage Securities Co., Ltd., anexpert in wealth tech, ensuring that the FinVest platform is in alignment withthe Thai capital market under the supervision of the Securities and ExchangeCommission, Thailand. This cooperation also reinforces KASIKORNBANK's status as a complete banking service provider, based on acombination of its own digital banking expertise and that of the world'sleading partners and fintech experts, to ensure that KASIKORNBANK is everywherearound you".
FinVest seamlessly caters to local investors with round-the-clock digital access to comprehensive information abouttheir accounts, market insights and intelligence relevant to their portfolio,while opening the door to premium onshore and offshore wealth managementproducts with an approximate minimum investment amount of US$35 / THB1, 000 with no additional account opening orclosing fees. The platform also adopts strict Know Your Product (KYP) and Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance procedures, alongside an Anti-MoneyLaundering (AML) and an anti-fraud system,to meet regulatory requirements.
Lu International continues to strengthen its network viastrategic partnership in collaboration with local financial institutionsleveraging its technology and industry know-how across Southeast Asia as part of its expansion to capitalise on wealthmanagement digitization and growth opportunities for financial services in someof the world's up and coming economies..
Finvest is available on Apple Store, GooglePlay Store and Huawei App Gallery. For more information, please visit www.finvest.co.th.
LufaxHolding Ltd is a leading technology-empowered personal financial servicesplatform in China. Lufax Holding Ltd primarily utilizes its customer-centricproduct offerings and offline-to-online channels to provide retail creditfacilitation services to small business owners and salaried workers in China aswell as tailor-made wealth management solutions to China's rapidly growingmiddle class. The Company has implemented a unique, capital-light,hub-and-spoke business model combining purpose-built technology applications,extensive data, and financial services expertise to effectively facilitate theright products to the right customers.
LU Global isthe online wealth management platform operated by Lu International (Singapore) FinancialAsset Exchange Pte Ltd (Co. Reg No201702479G). Lu Global is a mobile investment and wealthmanagement platform operated out of Singapore, licensed and regulated by MAS(Monetary Authority of Singapore). It offers 24/7online access to a wide range of high quality investments, and offers investorsthe opportunity to invest easily with small investment amounts, and with lowcommitment. The customers have the ability to invest withmaximum flexibility while still being able to benefit from superior returns.