HONG KONGSAR - Media OutReach - 16 November, 2020 - Trend MicroIncorporated(TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), the leader in cloud security, todayannounced its hybrid cloud security integration with the newly launched AWSGateway Load Balancer (GWLB), a service that makes it easy to deploy, scale,and manage your third-party virtual appliances with Amazon Web Services (AWS).This integration provides customers with the ability to use trusted vendorappliances, like those from Trend Micro, in a way that is auto-scalable andoperates to continuously meet security needs in an as-a-service format.
In today's economic reality, companies are quicklymigrating their infrastructure into a hybrid cloud model to meet the demands ofremote work. Gartner stated in a recent report, "Dynamic cloud realities demandthat controls automatically adapt to the protected workloads because an IPaddress alone is no longer sufficient for security.[1]" Trend Micro Cloud One --Network Security with GWLB delivers protection that fits the dynamic nature ofcloud migration.
"To maintain functional IT operations, meet compliancestandards, and protect complex systems in the cloud, security is a concern thatmust be proactively addressed," said Mark Nunnikhoven, vice president of cloudresearch for Trend Micro and AWS Community Hero. "Customers need an appliancethat adapts to increased volume and automatically provides centralizedimplementation of network security with less friction. GWLB with Cloud One --Network Security help solve this problem for security teams."
Security teams using GWLB with Trend Micro for theirhybrid cloud security can benefit from high availability, scaling, and loadbalancing while maintaining all product features and benefits.
"As companies move their infrastructure in thecloud, they are looking for ways to easily insert, scale, and manage securityappliances in their network topologies," said Mayumi Hiramatsu, VicePresident, Amazon EC2 Networking, Amazon Web Services, Inc. "Trend Microis an AWS Advanced Technology Partner with a long-standing history of providingsecurity solutions to help customers address their portion of the sharedresponsibility model. AWS Gateway Load Balancer with Trend Micro's securitysolution is now available to more than 290,000 active buyers in AWS Marketplaceand can help our shared customers address their network security needs in thecloud."
Today's integration with GWLB coincides with TrendMicro's release of its Cloud One -- Network Security solution, now available inAWS Marketplace.
To learnmore about how AWS and Trend Micro Cloud One work together, please visit: https://www.trendmicro.com/aws.
[1] Gartner, Securing the Enterprise's New Parameters, March 27, 2020
Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity,helps make the world safe for exchanging digital information. Leveraging over30 years of security expertise, global threat research, and continuousinnovation, Trend Micro enables resilience for businesses, governments, andconsumers with connected solutions across cloud workloads, endpoints, email,IIoT, and networks. Our XGen™ security strategy powers our solutions with across-generational blend of threat-defense techniques that are optimized forkey environments and leverage shared threat intelligence for better, fasterprotection. With over 6,700 employees in 65 countries, and the world's mostadvanced global threat research and intelligence, Trend Micro enablesorganizations to secure their connected world www.trendmicro.com.hk.