GRENOBLE,FRANCE - MediaOutReach - 16 November 2020 - Teledyne e2v has made furtherprogression in its goal of actively supporting aerospace/defense customers inaddressing the power and thermal constraints of their high-reliability (Hi-Rel)electronic processing platforms. Buildingon the services that were initially announced back in late 2019, the company isnow expanding the scope of these to encompass several key additional elements.Consequently, multifaceted services are now available to design teams forincreasing design margins when implementing high-performance multi-core processors.
Faced with too much power draw andnot enough room to dissipate generated heat, engineers must find ways toenhance their designs accordingly. By engaging with Teledyne e2v at theconception phase, the customer's technical team has the opportunity to betterassess design margins that Teledyne e2v offers at the processor level. Thiswill help them to understand what particular confines must be kept within.Teledyne e2v's skills and experience in processor usage makes it the partner ofchoice for improving power or thermal performance on processor-based systems.
Through in-depth analysis of thesystem's overall behavior, it is possible to define the best approach toovercome potential challenges posed by keeping to a limited available powerbudget, as well as those relating to space saving measures. Data on parameterslike processor CPU load, core frequency and junction temperature can beconsulted in order to do this. Following on from that, Teledyne e2v's abilityto screen and deliver power optimized processors means that units can besupplied that are an optimal fit with the defined criteria. Heightenedperformance benchmarks can thereby be achieved, while still conserving powerresources and minimizing heat generation.
Live Demo sessions illustratingTeledyne e2v's ability to supply power-optimized microprocessor solutions areavailable for subscription here: https://www.teledyne-e2v-semiconductors-webtv.com/
"Very often it will only be towardsthe end of their design projects that engineers will encounterpower and thermal management issues,but the enclosures that hardware gets housed inside leave little space forheatsinking or fans, leading to performance trade-offs being made," ThomasPORCHEZ, Application Engineer at Teledyne e2v explains. "In addition, engineersmay be forced to leave enough 'headroom' to install future system upgrades, andthis will put further pressure on making the system as power efficient aspossible."
"Space constraints or potential formechanical failure could also mean that fan-less systems are mandated. Theremight even be a need to provision for maintaining operation in extreme circumstances- for instance systems being able to keep running for a prolonged period evenif the accompanying fans are no longer working," he continues. "This is whereour expertise is proving to be vital. Through our combination of screening andtechnical advice, we have already successfully halved power consumption levelsin some customer deployments," he concludes.
Teledyne e2v offers high-performance, ultra-reliablesemiconductor solutions addressing critical functions across the entire signalchain - covering data converters, interface ICs, microprocessors, analogswitches, voltage references, digitizers, logic, memory and RF devices. Servingthe avionics, industrial, medical, military, scientific and space sectors, thecompany is recognized as a world leader in the re-engineering and up-screeningcommercial technologies to deal with the most demanding of applicationscenarios.
Many of Teledyne e2v's products are developed throughstrategic partnerships with leading semiconductor vendors - such as NXP,Everspin and Micron. By working closely with its global client base, thecompany is able to provide an expansive array of innovative solutions. Thesespan all the way from standard and semi-custom through to fully customizedoptions.
For more information visit: https://www.teledyne-e2v.com