SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 17 November 2020 - Far East Hospitality, one ofthe leading operators of hotels and serviced residences, today announced thatit will forge ahead with its local and regional expansion plans with threeproperties -- Oasia Resort Sentosa, Far East Village Hotel Yokohama, and Quincy HotelMelbourne.
Oasia makes a splash into Sentosa Island
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Slated for opening in the second quarterof 2021, Oasia Resort Sentosa will be the fourth property on Sentosa islandmanaged by Far East Hospitality. The homegrown company has signed a HotelManagement Agreement (HMA) with Far East Organization. Under the agreement, FarEast Hospitality will be responsible for the hotel's operations, and sales andmarketing functions. This property also marks Far East Hospitality's firstforay into the resort and spa category.
"The progression into the resort and spafield is both a natural and calculated move," said Arthur Kiong, Chief Executiveof Far East Hospitality. "Each of our properties on Sentosa cater to differentdemographics. Village Hotel Sentosa for urban explorers and families. TheOutpost Hotel for young couples who prefer exclusivity, and The Barracks Hotel forthose who enjoy old world charm of the building's architecture and serviceofferings. With Oasia Resort Sentosa, which targets the wellness conscious, itcompletes our suite of offerings on the island."
The 191-key property consists of Suites,Wellness Premier Rooms, and Deluxe Rooms. Guests will have the opportunity toexperience a wellness lifestyle encompassing not just a spa treatment, buthealthy eating, fitness routines, mind-body practices, as well as connectingwith nature. Wellness journals, self-care checklists, and access to acollection of guided meditation audio are amongst the many items that are madeavailable for guests during their stay.
A second hotel in Japan
Four months after opening Far East VillageHotel Ariake -- Far East Hospitality's first venture into Japan, the company is expandingfurther with a management contract for a second Village property in Yokohama.Far East Village Hotel Yokohama is set to open in the second quarter of 2021.The 277-key property will be managed by Far East Hospitality under a HMA withFar East Organization.
Situated in the heart of downtownYokohama, the property targets business travellers. It is a five-minute driveto the central business district and a three-minute walk to Sakuragicho andKannai stations. Guests will also be able to Eat, Play, and Explore likea local at cultural enclaves such as Chinatown and the Red Brick Warehouse,and attractions such as the Cup Noodle Museum and Cosmoworld.
"Tourism in Japan has picked up gradually sincethe easing of travel curbs and the resumption of reciprocal 'green lanes' forbusiness and official travel. We are also hopeful that launching the propertywill also give us the opportunity to capture the domestic market," said MrKiong.
Quincy debuts in Australia, Melbourne
From thoughtful spatial design to playfulinteriors and wondrous experiences -- these are some of the finer things thatguests can expect when Quincy Hotel Melbourne opens in the first quarter of 2021.The HMA is signed with InterGlobe through Far East Hospitality's joint venturecompany, Toga Far East Hotels in Australia, marking the Quincy brand's firstexpansion abroad.
Quincy's quirky and anticipatory approachto service fits into Melbourne's upbeat and experiential city lifestyle. Locatedat the top of Flinders Lane -- a vibrant street in Melbourne's central businessdistrict -- the hotel targets at social urbanites with a penchant for experientialtravel and the finer things in life. Guests will be able to enjoy South EastAsian cuisine at its signature restaurant as well as access to its club levelsand lounge. The hotel also boasts a rooftop pool with views of Melbourne CBDand the nearby lifestyle precinct.
Additional quotes from HMA partners can befound in ANNEX A.
ANNEX A: Quote sheet
Far East Hospitality is a 70-30 joint venture between Far EastOrchard Limited and The Straits Trading Company Limited.
Commenting on the expansion plans, Far East Orchard's GroupChief Executive Officer, Alan Tang said, "Hospitality business has been thecore contributor to Far East Orchard's earnings, and it is a vital part of ourstrategy to build a lodging platform and grow recurring income. Most recently,we crossed a significant milestone with the opening of our 100thhotel -- Adina Melbourne Southbank, managed by Toga Far East Hotels. Through FarEast Hospitality, we intend to continue growing our recurring income base withHMAs in key cities across the Asia-Pacific region; cities with strong long termfundamentals for the tourism industry, domestic travel and other demanddrivers."
On bringing the Quincy brand to Melbourne, Toga Far EastHotels' Chief Executive Officer, Antony Ritch said, "We are thrilled tointroduce Far East Hospitality's colourful Quincy brand into Australia earlynext year. With Quincy we are bringing the sights, sounds and most importantlyflavours of South East Asia to Australia.
Far East Hospitality Holdings Pte Ltd (Far East Hospitality) is an internationalhospitality owner and operator with a diverse portfolio of 9 unique andcomplementary brands of hotels, serviced residences and apartment hotels,including Oasia, Quincy, Rendezvous, Village, Far East Collection, AdinaHotels, Vibe Hotels, Travelodge Hotels and TFE Hotels Collection.
Far East Hospitality owns more than 10 hospitality assets and operates acombined portfolio of more than 16,500 roomsunder its management across 100 hotels and serviced residences in eightcountries -- Australia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealandand Singapore, with more in its development pipeline. In 2020, the group rankedamongst the top 100 hotel companies by HotelsMag.
Far East Hospitality is a 70-30 joint venture formed in 2013 between FarEast Orchard Limited (a listed company under Far East Organization) and TheStraits Trading Company Limited. In the same year, Far East Hospitality,through its wholly-owned subsidiary Far East Hospitality Investments(Australia) Pte Ltd, completed a 50-50 joint venture with Australia's TogaGroup to form Toga Far East Hotels (TFE Hotels).
For more information, visit https://www.FarEastHospitality.com/.