ZUG,SWITZERLAND - Media OutReach -4 November 2020 - Swiss CordataAssociation, a not-for-profit organisation founded in 2019 and based in ZugSwitzerland, announced on 4 November that it has successfully recruited 17enterprise members since its official launch on 23 October 2020, plus over 3000regular members.
Most of these enterprise members are globalcorporations in Europe and Asia from the information technology and finance sectors.Singapore Capital Ignite group is one of these corporations, who will bringwith them resources and talents to the Cordata Association to help grow itsmember ecosystems, said Mr Ayson from Capital Ignite.
The first BDE-BPOS election was completedsuccessfully on the 24 October,2020 where a total of 15 global validating nodesparticipated with more than 20 million valid votes counted. They will form partof the governing committee of the ecosystem.
Another enterprise member, Mr Mak fromIndonesia commented that he is keen to participate in helping to develop thisunique cross-chain ecosystem that he believes is the future of the industry.
BDE (Bridge Digital Economy) is a cross-chainsystem which is based on the MBPOS-PBFT consensus protocol. BDE aims to bridgenot just information but also traffic flow between the currently isolatedcommunities of various industrial and business ecosystems, via a uniquefirst-of-its-kind heterogenous bonded staking protocol.
For more information please refer to isofficial website www.cordata.foundation.