SHANGHAI, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 9 September 2020 - One year ago, the Chinese brand HiPhi, a subsidiary of Human Horizons, showedpeople its prototype, which advanced the lines of a future high-end electricfull-size SUVs. Now the firm has revealed the final version of its first model,which has been bestowed the name HiPhi X and go on sale in the first half of2021.
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The HiPhi X is positioned as a transcending product toredefine the era of smart electric vehicles.
In recent days, the campaign made its broadcast debut duringpeak hours in London, New York, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Beijing on mega-screensacross the cities. Followed by takeovers on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, andother platforms.
The objective of the campaign was targeted at raising brandawareness and product recognition, as well as a teaser to its official launchat the 2020 Beijing Auto Show.
Speaking of R&D, Human Horizons does have someimpressive names involved in that side of the business, including 35-yearJaguar and Ford veteran Mark Stanton as chief technical officer. Former Bugattidesigner Camilla Kropp is also on the crew.
The man behind the Shanghai-based company is Ding Lei, theformer president of Shanghai General Motors who set up Human Horizons in end of2017.
One of the most intriguing parts of the HiPhi X's design areNT-Door system. As stated by the manufacturer, the HiPhi X is pitched as a"self-learning smart vehicle".
What does that mean? Well, the way Human Horizons explainsit the HiPhi X has been based on a "human oriented architecture" which isover-the-air upgradable and has a secure software-developer platform to enablefeature and app development.
Overlaying that is an advanced highly-personalised onboardartificial intelligence assistant, HiPhiGo, that has been developed incollaboration with Microsoft.
HiPhiGo has an array of intelligent functions and a level ofreasoning and continuous learning while interacting with its occupants, thesurrounding environment and the vehicle's parameters.
The HiPhi X also has a "neural network" consisting of six"super brain" domain controllers, connected by 1G Ethernet which provides ahigher transmission rate than traditional CAN networks. That allows HiPhi X toanalyse massive amounts of information and make decisions utilising cloudcomputing with a powerful data analysis engine.
HiPhi X is now entering the final phase of development andlaunch ahead of production which is expected to commence by the end of thisyear, with official deliveries in 2021.