SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - Media OutReach- 19 August 2020 - Asian residents struggling to conceive will now have accessto one of the world's most premium providers of fertility services, especially mainland China that apparently has the world's largestpopulation. Australia's Genea will open its doors in central Bangkok on 14September, bringing their world class operations and highly accurate geneticscreening techniques to the region.
An increasing demand from Bangkok and Mainland Chinaresidents for access to high-end treatment outside of a hospital, with nowaiting times has resulted in the launch.
Genea Fertility CEO, Dr Tomas Stojanov, said, "For more than 30years, Genea has been at the forefront of fertility treatment. The instrumentswe develop, the success rates we've achieved and the embryo biopsy techniquesand subsequent testing we offer, have led to a demand for our servicesthroughout Asia."
He added, "We are employing the world's top embryologists, nursesand doctors. More couples will have access to our science and care to boosttheir chance of fulfilling their dream of a family."
The brand new, purpose-built clinic willoffer patients access to Genea's Geri incubation system for which it is mostrenowned. The incubator has seen a 24.3% increase in the number of pregnancieswhen compared to the traditional incubator and culture medium system* which isroutinely used throughout Asia by all other clinics.
Steven McArthur, Genea ScientificDirector, said that access to Geri presents an additional benefit to patients."Theuninterrupted culture system results in more high-grade embryos per cycle. Onaverage, patients have 26.9% more embryos which can be transferred or frozenfor future use**. The more viable embryos a patient has, the more likely theyare to create their whole family from one stimulated egg collection cycle,allowing patients to simply return for a frozen embryo transfer."
The Geri system also facilitates Grow, a revolutionary app thatallows patients to access images and time lapse footage of their embryosdeveloping in the laboratory. "This is particularly exciting for patientstravelling from China, they can return home yet still feel very connected to theIVF process in Thailand," said Mr McArthur.
As Genea's strategic partnerin mainland China, We Doctor, the world's leading digital healthcarecorporation, has recently launched a multi-million-dollar-subsidy initiativethat aims to help fertility patients in China to get proper treatment. Chinesepatients will be entitled to subsidy from We Doctor platform up to RMB 10,000per person if they eventually get IVF treatment at clinics designated by WeDoctor, including the recently-built Genea clinic in Bangkok.
Treatment options available through theclinic include:
Genea has extensive experience operating in Bangkok.For 13 years it owned a share of well-known Superior ART. Fertility Specialist Dr Sasaswimol Preechapornkul has beenengaged by the clinic as Medical Director and will treat patients. Dr Preechapornkul is committed to providingthe best possible care for each individual. "I am passionate about empoweringpatients to make informed decisions about their fertility care," said DrPreechapornkul. "I suspect I will be supporting many travelling from outside ofThailand to access the premium services at Genea. I have extensive experiencein the management of treatment plans for those from outside the country and theneeds of Chinese people in particular."
To book an appointment please call the direct line +86 0571-22818299 or follow Genea's partner We Doctor's Wechat account at ID: wyyyzj2019 tospeak to one of Genea's representative.
*Foetal heartpregnancies. Study performed in Genea's Canberra laboratory, 2015-2018.
**When compared to the MINC incubator and Gems sequentialmedia. Study performed in Genea's Canberra, Wollongong, Liverpool, North West,RPA and Kent St laboratories, 2015-2019.
Genea is one ofAustralia's leading providers for infertility, IVF and other assistedconception treatment with 33 years of experience in the field. The company haslong been a fertility pioneer, with research and technologies developedin-house virtually doubling IVF success rates in the mid-nineties andcontinuing to improve outcomes today. In July 2018, Genea was the highest ranked healthcareprovider named on Australian Financial Review's Top 100 Most Innovative CompaniesList, ranked number 18.
Genea's sistercompany, Genea Biomedx creates and manufactures practical, accessible andprecise fertility technologies that help standardise and automate fertilitytreatment. Its unique relationship with Genea Fertility means that GeneaBiomedx is a manufacturer that truly understands the customers' perspective. Asa result, Genea Biomedx has developed the world's first automated vitrificationinstrument and has created a world leading benchtop incubator with timelapse functionality.
AboutGavi, Geri, Gems and Gidget