SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 19 August 2020 - Madame Tussauds Singapore proudly introduces a brand new experiencetogether with Team Building Team Learning (TBTL) Pte Ltd. "Virtual Images ofSingapore" is an interactive learning journey for primary, secondary andtertiary students. Led by a time travelling host students will be transportedto significant moments in Singapore's history without ever having to leavetheir seats. The virtual tour makes use of an interactive portal where thestudents can participate and strive for a top spot in the educational quiz.
"Virtual Images of Singapore" is a 1.5 hour interactivelearning journey, which can be booked for up to ideally 25 people per session.Participants travel to historical moments such as the signing of the SingaporeTreaty in 1819 and the moment Singapore became independent on the 9thof August 1965.
"Although we can still host groups to our attraction --divided in smaller subgroups of 5 people, we did receive many requests forvirtual group tours. That's why we started the partnership with TBTL. In orderto continue delivering memorable, educational and safe experiences to localschools we wanted to change both our way of thinking and our way of working. Weare happy that we are able to adapt Images of Singapore to the needs of ourguests in these challenging times. We have received fantastic feedback on ournew product and hope to take many morestudents on this fascinating journey through Singapore's history in future."said Alex Ward -- General Manager of Madame Tussauds Singapore.
The new virtual and interactive program is based on the "Imagesof Singapore" experience. Madame Tussauds is located in Imbah Lookout on Sentosaand houses 5 experiences under one roof: Madame Tussauds, Images of Singapore,Ultimate Film Star Experience, Spirit of Singapore boat ride and the Marvel 4DExperience.
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Madame Tussauds is the ultimatecelebrity experience and the world's best known and most popular waxattraction. There are currently 23 Madame Tussauds attractions around theworld. Each of the attractions is uniqueand tailored to the host city and visitor demographic to feature both local aswell as international figures. These attractions are continually endorsed bycelebrities, sports stars, royalty and global politicians.
Founded in London in 1835, MadameTussauds' amazing wax figures are so high quality and so lifelike that even thecelebrities themselves do a double take when they see them -- and all instunning interactive themed sets designed to excite, amaze, and surprise,including some with unique animated features! And, with no bars, ropes orbarriers around the figures, visitors will have no problem believing that theyreally are standing beside their heroes and the photographs taken withfavourite stars will be a special memory for ever.
The result of 200 years of expertise andpainstaking research every figure takes Madame Tussauds' gifted sculptors aminimum of three months to make, and costs more than $300K (Singapore dollars).Most contemporary figures are also produced following sittings with thecelebrities themselves and are the result of hundreds of separate measurements,hours matching skin tone, eye and hair colour -- with every individual hairinserted separately. Celebrities and film studio wardrobe departments oftensupply clothing for their figures, or designers will reproduce significant oriconic outfits as exact replicas, only for Madame Tussauds. Inclusion in one ofMadame Tussauds attractions around the world is seen as a huge honour andrecognition of an individual's contribution, status and achievement.
Merlin Entertainments plc is a globalleader in location-based, family entertainment. As Europe's Number 1 and the world'ssecond-largest visitor attraction operator, Merlin now operates over 130attractions, 19 hotels and 6 holiday villages in 25 countries and across 4continents. Merlin's purpose is to deliver memorable experiences to its 67million guests around the world, through its iconic brands and multipleattraction formats, and the commitment and passion of its c.28,000 employees(peak season).
See www.merlinentertainments.biz formore information and follow on Twitter @MerlinEntsNews.
TBTL stablished in 2015 by Mr Melvin Chong andhis team's passion in outdoor education and learning. Together, they startedout organising school programmes for primary, secondary and tertiary schoolstudents such as fitness programs, teambuilding workshops and leadership camps.The company developed further to work with corporate organizations such asSportSG and ActiveSG. Driven by its core values, TBTL actively engage ininnovation and seek partnerships to improve itself.