HANOI,VIETNAM - MediaOutReach - 29 October2019 - In recent years, the cryptocurrency industry hasbeen growing at a significant pace, offering somequality projects with real use cases. Moreover, with tokenized sales, theseprojects have also the tendency to be used as a direct investment opportunityfor people who is seeking potential projects. In the list below, we will showseveral potential projects in the market that have the tendency to createlucrative returns on investments.
Bitcoin was born in 2008, until May2010. Bitcoin is known as the first cryptocurrency, the father of all cryptoswith high dominance (68% in October 2019) and is recognized as a digital goldin cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin Dominance
Bitcoin is the most popular "currency"in the world and to be used as the main pair on all the exchanges in the world.In fact, people like that Bitcoin is not controlled by the government or banks.Inhabitants can also spend their Bitcoins fairly anonymously. Although alltransactions are recorded, nobody would know which "account number" was yoursunless you told them.
However, Bitcoin price is not stable,on Oct 26th, after 2 hours, Bitcoin price goes up to 30% and then does down 10%after a few hours.
LINA network is a subsidiary of SmartLink Swiss, a multinational corporation, headquarters of which are based inZurich, Switzerland. It specializes in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data,and blockchain. The LINA network consists of protocols such as Identity, Supplychain, Healthcare, and Review, details of which are available on the website.Unlike traditional crypto offering, where the main focus is raising funds anddevelopment part is left for post-funding, the Lina network offers twooutstanding products i.e. Lina.review and Lina supply chain.
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LINA Ecosystem
Thesolutions provided by LINA Network are:
1. LINA REVIEW: The current review system is broken and it is difficult to trust theauthenticity of an online review. LINA Review changes this by ensuring thatonly genuine users can make reviews. Once reviews are made, they cannot beremoved by third parties.
2. LINA SUPPLYCHAIN: entails supply chain management on theblockchain platform. The traceability of products at any stage of the supplychain is one of most important aspects of efficient supply chain operation.LINA supply chain platform enables transparent and secure way of trackinginformation throughout the process from the production process, warehouse,transportation, packaging, and sale. LINA was launched App Supply Chain inPropak event in Thailand in June.
3. LINA IDENTITY: a blockchain-based digital identity thatensures a secure and decentralized identity management system. This is alreadybeing tested in countries such as Estonia and China. LINA blockchain solvesissues of the challenge of correctly verifying; lacking of a proper way of datasharing; costs, data security. Smart contracts also ensure standardization,enabling mechanism for data input and sharing in a transparent way eliminatingentry of wrong data. A user just needs to download the LINA app on play storeand enter the necessary information.
LINA is already a working product withLINA review and supply chain already available for download in the play store.With a working product already in the market, user uptake is faster since theonboarding process is less strenuous. As for LINA review and supply chain, aworking product means it has already been tested and already working. There isless friction when users join the platform. This user uptake model has highnetwork effects and brings about viral adoption. In addition, it is an activeproject that is listed on coinmarketcap with current market cap of $19M andgrowing.
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LINA price chart
TheLINA project consists of industry experts, which adds to the credibility, andthat is the reason why more than 40 corporations and governments have trustedand signed partnerships with LINA in app-tech and also fin-tech.
In2019, Laos Government also signed a contract to deploy digital identity usingLINA blockchain as well establishment of a research institute under theMinistry of Science and Technology.
Moreover,LINA has become the Platinum partner with GS1 Thailand. GS1 is a not-for-profit organization that develops andmaintains global standards for business communication in the world. The bestknown of these standards is the barcode, a symbol printed on products thatcan be scanned electronically. GS1 has114 local member organisations and 1.5 million user companies.
In July 2019, LINA has also managed to acquire Goldpartnership with Microsoft, this bilateral co-operation with one of the world'sleading software tech-organization adds to the credibility of the LINA projectand shows its potential of assisting otherwise industry corporation in theirquest for blockchaim implementation within their business operations.
TheLINA Network offers multiple innovative features and has established itscredibility in a short time in the market. Considering its experienced team,strategic partnerships, innovative features, this project has the potential togrow, which makes it one of the most potential opportunities in a bear cryptomarket of today.
Terra money isone of the cryptocurrencies to watch in 2020 because it solves two mainproblems that have limited widespread of cryptocurrencies: price volatility andlack of usage as a medium of exchange.
Terra Project
Terrahas started by recruiting merchants that accept Terra money making it easierfor users to adopt the currency for payments. Already there are 15 e-commerceservices that have signed up such as WooWa Brothers, Pomelo, Tiki and Qoo10boasting over 40 million customers and 425 billion in annual transactionvolume.
Terraformlabs, the company behind Terra Money, are a highly reputable company in Koreawith a strong interest in Southeast Asia market. The founding team is headed byDaniel Shin who is founder of TicketMonster, a $3.5 billion e-commerce companyin Korea. The project is also backed by leading crypto companies such asBinance Labs, OKEx, Huobi Capital, Kakaoventures and Dunamu among others.
Binancehas its own coin, Binance Coin, BNB which is currently the 7th mostvaluable coin with a market capitalization of $2.6 billion. Since its launch in2017, BNB has had a return on investment of >9000% making it one of the bestperforming coins in the market. Its daily trade volume exceeds $200M because itis used not only for trading but as a key medium of transacting on variousBinance related products.
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BNB price chart
BNBis being adopted as a means of payment by many online platforms. BNB is used invarious ways including as a means of payment. Some online merchants such asTravelbyBit in Australia, crypto.com, lifestreaming platform Gifto, Pundi Xamong others accept BNB.
BNBpowers the whole Binance ecosystem and adoption grow in 2020, BNB is expectedto continue to increase in value. Furthermore, expansion in USA is expected totake shape in 2020. The USA is a major crypto market and this will increase BNBusage significantly.
Itis estimated that by 2020, half of the new businesses will runon IoT. IoTeX enables anyone to create their own IoT ecosystems in such amanner that allows more innovation and growth in an open system rather than aclosed network. It is the foundational layer just like the internet's TCP/IPprotocol that enables others to build applications on top of it. This meansthat IoTeX will be able to capture some of the value while propellingunprecedented innovation in new ways.
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IOTEX price chart
Asthe IoT industry continues to grow in 2020 IoTeX is strategically positioned todrive that growth. IoTeX coin will gain significant growth. IoTeX is makingthis vision a reality and has already partnered with various industry players.IoTeX coin is also available on reputable exchanges such as Binance, Bittrex,and KuCoin among others. It also received strategic investments from investorssuch as HashKey Group, a leading tech conglomerate in Hong Kong among others.