A newe-HUB in Liege Belgium
Synergiesbetween AMS and LGG
Ready forBrexit
AMSTERDAM/SHENZHEN- Media OutReach - 10 October2019 - ViaEurope, a leading European cross border e-company continuesto expand. The e-logistics tech start-up has just announced theopening of its new e-Hub in Liège (LGG/Belgium). This new platform isthe second of its kind for the firm whose headquarters are located inAmsterdam (AMS/Netherlands). Liege new e-Hub is 100%dedicated to cross border e-commerce, just like at Amsterdam Schipholwhere ViaEurope's first e-Hub disrupted the logistics industry using big dataand the latest available technology for Customs clearance and parcel handling.
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"Cross border e-commerceis growing rapidly, with millions of parcels entering the EU from Chinaand the United States every day. To create, from thistsunami of parcels, a seamless cross border experience for the consumer,technology will be key. Operating smart e-HUBs will be even morecrucial in the e-commerce logistics supply chain considering the up-comingEU regulation whereby the VAT thresholds (de minimis) will be removed and eachB2C parcel will have to be Customs cleared" explainsBJ Streefland, ViaEurope CEO.
Cargo &Logistics Manager at Liege Airport, Bert Selis says: "LiègeAirport offers a great environment for an innovative company such asViaEurope. Their decision to land here comes with the recognition that ourairport is highly favorable to a fast-growing e-commerce sector."
Withthe opening of a second dedicated e-commerce hub focused ontransparency and speed, ViaEurope executive team takes a strategic step toensure they stay ahead of their own customers'expectations, offering both seamless operations and frictionlessservices. ViaEurope intends to create and maximize synergies betweenthe two e-Hubs in order to ease the flow for both B2C and B2B2C parcels. "Liege playsa key role in this strategy. Just like AMS, LGG managedto create a very e-commerce friendly climate. With BeGate,similar to the VENUE in The Netherlands (which stands for simplifieddeclaration eCommerce), B2C parcels can be pre-cleared in bulk ensuring flowless processing.Also, the favorable fiscal climate make of the twohubs a great entry point for parcels coming from China and theUS" explains BJ Streefland.
Alternative to theupcoming Brexit
Having twoe-hubs at e-commerce friendly airports makes of ViaEuropea unique partner for any international e-commerce player looking forthe perfect gateway to Europe. "Especially in a hard Brexit scenariowhere the UK will be out of the European Customs Union" underlines theCEO. "Trying to get e-commerce freight through our borders will then becomea massive administrative nightmare for whoever is using London as a hub today" heconcludes.
ViaEurope BVis an e-logistics technology start-up located at Schiphol LogisticPark in Amsterdam. The company primary focus is to reinvent e-logistics andcustoms clearance using big data and smart analytics. ViaEurope has e-HUBSin The Netherlands and Belgium as well as offices in four countriesincluding Germany and China. All teams work together towards the samegoal: making global e-commerce to Europe easy and hassle-free.