SINGAPORE- MediaOutReach - 21 August 2019 - Law ofattraction guru Amy Okudaira will be holding an event in Singapore to reach outand share the gift of happiness with as many people as possible. She recentlyspoke to a sold-out show in Japan and provided many insights on how to lead ahappy and productive life.
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Ms AmyOkudaira is a guru and best seller of 720,000copies sold, also translatedAbraham's "The Law of Attraction"(by Mr. and Mrs Hicks). She will betelling us more about "The Law of Attraction" in Singapore.
The Law ofAttraction has been introduced in many medias and magazines including fashionmagazines in Japan in recent years. It is a very popular topic in Japan, especiallyamong young adults in their 20s and 30s.
She decided to organize this event in Singapore because shewants more people - not only people in Japan but also people in other countries - to live a life that they truly wishand desire.
Speaker: Ms AmyOkudaira's profile
Her blog, where shewrites about her experience, gained popularity and was published. Her subsequentbooks continued to become best sellers, and she currently goes back and forthbetween Bali and Japan, while focusing on writing and lecturing. She is anembodiment of living the life you want and making your dreams come true usingthe Law of Attraction. Her work includes "引き寄せの教科書 (The Law of Attraction Textbook)" and "宇宙から突然最高のパートナーが放り込まれる法則(The Rules For When Your Life Partner IsSuddenly Thrown At You From Space)".
Event Information
The "Law of Attraction" event has now been introducedin Singapore to make people even happier!
Date & Time: 5th October Saturday14:00-17:00
Venue: Suntec Singapore
Ticket Information: https://nxsevent1910.peatix.com/
Part 1
- What is the Law of Attraction?
- How to attract Dream, Happy life, Future partner, .. ?
Part 2
- Interview by Mifuyu Ando
- How to enjoy a happy life with people around you, using the Law of Attraction.
Part 3
- Question and Answers
Attendees can ask AmyOkudaira any one question (Partner, Job, Family, Dreams.. ) by email nxssonia@gmail.com (by 20thSeptember) after purchasing ticket. She will be answering as many questions aspossible during the Question-and-Answers session.
The talk event willproceed in Japanese and English and there will be a short gathering session forparticipants after the event.
Japanese marriage agency, NEXUS (Companyname Gran Cassa Pte. Ltd.), who are responsible for bringing many couples andmarriages together in both Japan and Singapore.
Formore details about the event to be held in Singapore as well as the history ofthese two people, click hereor follow this link: https://marriagespr.com/en/event1910.