HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 31 May2019 - On Tuesday, 11 June, the Asian University for Women (AUW) HongKong Support Foundation will host its third annual fundraising benefit insupport of AUW, a liberal arts university in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Theuniversity is unique as it provides full scholarships to women frommarginalized communities in Asia, including garment factory workers, women fromhigh-conflict zones and Rohingya refugees. AUW graduates go on to becomeleaders in their home communities, igniting meaningful and systemic change inthe corners of the world that need it most.
More than 400 guests are expected to attend the "Faces of Change"benefit presented by title sponsor Lancôme and event sponsor MarriottInternational at the JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong. The Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, MrsCarrie Lam, will deliver the keynote address,and Guneet Monga, Executive Producer of the 2019 Academy Award Winningdocumentary "Period. End of Sentence" will share the powerful story behind themaking of the short film. Other notable speakers will include Weijian Shan,Pansy Ho and Ronnie Chan.
AUW graduates from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India,Pakistan, Palestine, Nepal and Vietnam will share their stories oftransformation sparked by an opportunity at AUW. The Founder of AUW Kamal Ahmadwill also be in attendance to share his gratitude with the Hong Kong communityfor their generous support over the years.
The evening will entail a live auction presided by Christie'sJonathan Stone with lots including a variety of experiences such as a trip toKuala Lumpur to have lunch with social activist Marina Mahathir, an internshipwith Nobel Peace Laureate Tawakkol Karman at her Foundation in Istanbul, acultural excursion in Bhutan led by AUW graduates and more. The event will beemceed by Mallika Kapur of Bloomberg Live, who is also the author of the newlyreleased book "Changemakers: Twenty Women Transforming Bollywood from Behindthe Scenes" and a Director of the AUW Hong Kong Support Foundation Board.
Corporate sponsors include Advantage Partners, AIA, Bloomberg,Citi, DFS, Debevoise & Plimpton, FleishmanHillard, Mayer Brown, Point72, SimpsonThacher & Bartlett and more. There are on a few tables left -- visit the AUW websiteto learn more, or download the 2019Event Partnership Prospectus to secure your table today. All fundsraised will go directly to scholarship support for young women around the Asiaand the Middle East who could otherwise never access a tertiary education dueto cultural and financial barriers.
Recruitingfrom 17 countries in Asia and the Middle East, AUW seeks out high-potentialyoung women from communities with few opportunities for advancement, andprovides them with the academic, professional, and financial support requiredto earn their bachelor's degrees and to take on change-making roles. Sinceopening its doors in 2008, AUW has graduated five classes totaling more than700 women. Currently, almost 800 students study at AUW; the vast majority ofAUW students are first in their family to attend university, and virtually allreceive full financial aid. About 80% of AUW graduates pursue employment intheir home countries immediately after graduation while the remaining 20%attend graduate school internationally. Former AUW students have pursuedgraduate studies at a range of institutions including Oxford, Stanford,Columbia, Brandeis, and Ewha (South Korea). Graduates have gone into careerswith organizations such as Chemists without Borders, Room to Read, Teach forNepal, Accenture, Chevron Bangladesh, UNIQLO, and DemocracyInternational.
To learn more aboutAsian University for Women, please visit https://asian-university.org/