, together with the company’s management, celebrates the historic moment at CTF Life’s suite at KTSP.)

SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 26 February 2019 - For International Women's Day, evian® is pleased to welcome for thefirst time a young French painter, Inès Longevial, to design its iconic annual Limited Edition. Since 2007, evian® has been known topioneer fashion collaborations, working with such leading designers asChristian Lacroix, Kenzo and Alexander Wang.
Art has always been intimatelylinked to fashion as a major inspiration. This is why this year, evian® hasdecided to celebrate this unique relationship by inviting the young andtalented artist Inès Longevial to create the new masterpieces for the collection.Based in Paris, the 28-year old artist has already made herself widely known byhosting exhibitions in Paris, Berlin, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Herpaintings, simultaneously tender and strong, and inspired by such masters asPablo Picasso and Pedro Almodovar, concentrate on two principal themes:femininity and nature. Longevial has brought new meaning and relevance totraditional painting with her distinctive expression of the world.
For the design of the evian®Limited Edition, Inès Longevial took inspiration from the 15-year long journeyof evian® through the French Alps. "The ink stroke symbolizes the journey ofthe natural mineral water through the rocks of the French Alps, while theflowers represent the blossoming nature on the surface -- a source of pleasure"says Inès Longevial. Thiscollaboration not only celebrates creativity and aesthetics but also tells thestory of evian®.
evian® x Inès Longevial LimitedEdition -- A Collective Commitment in Asia Pacific
The evian® x Inès Longevial Limited Edition bottlesare available in two versions -- glass bottles (750ml) which was launchedearlier this year in February, and Prestige PET bottles launching in March2019. First to launch in 7-Eleven stores island-wide (March -- April 2019), andin leading supermarkets, pharmacies and Lazada/RedMart from May 2019 onwards.
'Snapand Win!' Island-wide Promotion
From now till 31st May 2019, stand a chanceto win the grand prize of a 3D2N staycation for two worth S$1,500 with everypurchase of the Inès Longevial Limited Edition bottle.
To participate, all you have to do is:
- Step 1: Purchase twoevian® x Inès Longevial bottles from any participatingretail outlet
- Step 2: Snap acreative photo of two evian® x Inès Longevial bottles
- Step 3: Upload andtag us! #evianxInesLongevial #evianSG
Remember to set your account to 'Public'for your entry to be visible. Contest is exclusive to Singaporeans andSingapore Permanent Residents only. Please refer to the contest's Terms andConditions.
7-Eleven Exclusive Promotion
From now till 31st May 2019, stand a chanceto win the grand prize of an Apple 13" MacBook Air with every purchase of theInès Longevial Limited Edition bottle.
To participate, all you have to do is:
- Step 1: Purchase twoevian® x Inès Longevial bottles from any 7-Eleven store.
- Step 2: SMS your FULLNAME <space> MOBILE NO. <space> RECEIPT NO. to 94556673
Share your photos of your Limited Edition bottles onto your Facebook and/or Instagram account with the campaign's hashtag #evianxInesLongevial#evianSG
High-res images:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=10uxmaTtu1pq7Ui-7arG4g7RXhUJDShQl (PET Bottles)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Gkk6-BZkT9Mn3zVO4e1XOof2bjbirRD5 (Glass Bottle)
For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/evian/.