HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 10 January 2019 - The Hong Kong JockeyClub today announced pan-Asian insurer FWD as the new title sponsor for FWDChampions Day, one of the world's top 10 richest race days.
FWDChampions Day is scheduled for Sunday 28 April at Sha Tin Racecourse and themarquee fixture will carry prize money of HK$70 million across its 10 races.The premier day's three Group 1 feature contests are the HK$24 million FWDQueen Elizabeth II Cup (2000m), the HK$18 million FWD Champions Mile (1600m)and the HK$16 million Chairman's Sprint Prize (1200m).
Eachof the three Group 1 contests on FWD Champions Day ranks among theInternational Federation of Horseracing Authorities' (IFHA) World's Top 100Group 1 Races.
Mr.Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, Chief Executive Officer at the Hong Kong JockeyClub, said: "The Jockey Club and FWD share similar values and we are delightedto welcome them as title sponsor to this exciting event. Hong Kong racing ishigh-end lifestyle entertainment synonymous with the style and pace of thecity. This event continues our effort to raise the Hong Kong brand globally andI would like to take this opportunity to thank FWD for joining us in this newpartnership."
Mr.Ken Lau, FWD Managing Director of Greater China and Hong Kong Chief ExecutiveOfficer, said: "Horse racing is one of Hong Kong's most established andworld-class activities, and the unique atmosphere created by Hong Kong racingalongside the city's dynamism attracts a huge fan base. We're proud to partnerwith the Hong Kong Jockey Club to host the new FWD Champions Day and together wehope to bring a new level of racing excitement to local and internationalaudiences."
Lastyear marked the first time that the Hong Kong Jockey Club staged Champions Day.The Club made a strategic decision to present three of its most prestigiousGroup 1 contests on one race day, creating another championship occasion tocomplement its globally-renowned LONGINES Hong Kong International Races, stagedin December each year.
Theinaugural Champions Day saw Pakistan Star perform brilliantly to win the QEIICup. Hong Kong's popular galloper joined an esteemed list of past winners thatincludes international stars such as Japan's Neorealism, Rulership and EishinPreston, Germany's Silvano, and Jim And Tonic from France, while locally-trainedchampions on the honour roll include Werther, Ambitious Dragon, Viva Pataca andVengeance Of Rain.
TheChampions Mile has an equally prestigious roll-call of past winners, notablyJapan's champion Maurice, South African star Variety Club and Hong Kong greatsAble Friend and Good Ba Ba, while the 2018 renewal went to a horse still inprocess of creating an impressive legacy, the brilliant Beauty Generation.
Ivictoryfulfilled his potential as one of the world's most exciting young sprinterswhen winning the Chairman's Sprint Prize. The contest was opened tointernational competition as recently as 2016 and has produced stellar results- Australian champion Chautauqua won that initial G1 version. Previous winnersinclude Hong Kong's world champion sprinters Silent Witness and Sacred Kingdom.
About The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Founded in 1884, The Hong Kong Jockey Club is a world-classracing club that acts continuously for the betterment of our society. The Clubhas a unique integrated business model, comprising racing and racecourseentertainment, a membership club, responsible sports wagering and lottery, andcharities and community contribution. Through this model, the Club generateseconomic and social value for the community and supports the Government incombatting illegal gambling. In 2017/18, the Club made a record return to theGovernment of HK$22.6 billion in duty and profits tax and contributed HK$1.2billion to the Lotteries Fund. Approved charity donations were HK$4.2 billion.The Club is Hong Kong's largest single taxpayer and one of the city's majoremployers. Its Charities Trust is also one of the world's top ten charitydonors. The Club is always "riding high together for a better future"with the people of Hong Kong. Please visit www.hkjc.com.
About FWD Hong Kong & Macau
FWD Group spans Hong Kong & Macau, Thailand, Indonesia,the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Japan. In Hong Kong, FWD offers lifeand medical insurance, general insurance, employee benefits, and financialplanning. The life insurance and general insurance operating entities have beenassigned strong financial strength ratings by international rating agencies --FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited is rated "A3" by Moody's and "A"by Fitch; and FWD General Insurance Company Limited is rated "A" by Fitch.
FWD is focused on creating fresh customer experiences, witheasy-to-understand products, supported by digital technology. Through thiscustomer-led approach, FWD aims to become a leading pan-Asian insurer thatchanges the way people feel about insurance.
Established in Asia in 2013, FWD is the insurance businessof investment group, Pacific Century Group.
Formore information please visit WWW.FWD.COM.HKand WWW.FWD.COM.MO.