SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 14 January 2019 - Intra-AsiaTrade continues to grow steadily as Asia and the Pacific saw its gross domesticproduct (GDP) rise from 30.1% in 2000 to 42.6%[1] in 2017,and account for more than a third of global exports. Average containerutilization globally is expected to increase significantly from 68% in 2017 toaround 80%[2] by 2022,with average regional utilization levels projected to increase most sharply inGreater China, North Asia, Southeast Asia and West Coast South America.
Followingthe opening of its new office in New Zealand in August 2018 to extend the reachinto the Oceania market, Rhenus Asia-Pacific plans to significantly accelerateits Intra-Asia growth and presence with a greater focus on customer needs andtrends. The logistics services provider also seeks to tap into emergingopportunities such as e-commerce and digital technologies. Efforts to identifypotential mergers and acquisition opportunities remain on-going.
"Witha presence in almost every part of the Asia Pacific, Rhenus has an extensiveportfolio of services, products and solutions. Our intra-Asia trade volume has seena steady year-on-year growth of 20-30% for the past 3 years and we aim todouble up the revenue by 2020. We continue to deliver strong Air and Oceanproducts, while warehousing, cross-border trucking and rail transportationremain increasingly important in the region. We are also looking to grow theE-commerce business for South-east Asia and Greater China, among others," said JanHarnisch, CEO of Far East Asia, Rhenus Asia-Pacific.
Withoffices in 15 countries and regions helmed by leaders with local marketknowledge, Rhenus has seen the expansion open up the trade lanes within Asia toOceania and Europe.
"Rhenusis on track on a long-term growth strategy to establish strong presence on allcontinents. The extension of our presence in the South East Asian markets iskey, where we leverage the possibilities in cross border trucking. We areseeing strong growth in air freight, especially the trade lanes between HongKong - Bangkok, Taipei - Bangkok, Hong Kong - Delhi, Singapore - Bangkok,Shanghai - Bangkok," said Tobias Bartz, a Member of the Rhenus Board.
Asnew technologies reshape the logistics marketplace and customer expectations, Rhenusis staying ahead of the curve, from minimizing manual work by automatingprocesses, integrating with our vendors via electronic data exchange, and usingticketing systems to manage internal queries.
Pleaserefer to the Annex for the respective country snapshot.
Formore information and the latest updates on Rhenus Logistics Asia-Pacific, checkout https://www.rhenus.com and stay connected on https://www.linkedin.com/company/rhenus-logistics-asia-pacific/.
The Rhenus Group is a logistics servicesprovider with global business operations and annual turnover of EUR 4.8billion. Rhenus has business sites at 610 locations worldwide and employs29,000 people. The Rhenus business areas -- Contract Logistics, FreightLogistics and Port Logistics -- manage complex supply chains and provide awealth of innovative value-added services.
Annex: Country and Region Snapshots
Regional Executive Quotes:
"Rhenushas started an aggressive expansion plan in the face of a mature market inSouth-east Asia. We have seen steady growth in the last 12 months, and willcontinue to focus on meeting the demand for road and warehousing solutions inthis region" - Joachim Hanssen, CEO of South-east Asia, Rhenus Asia-Pacific.
"In the Greater China market, for example, Rhenus Logistics has an ever- expanding presence andcovers all major trade hubs with 16 offices and 4 warehouse sites. With avariety of transport modes and hubsolutions available, we are poised and ready to further accelerate our businesswithin Asia-Pacific." - Michael Sickinger, CEO of the Greater China region,Rhenus Asia-Pacific.
Singapore |
[1] AsiaDevelopment Bank's "Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2018" Report
[2] Drewry's"Global Container Terminal Operators Annual Review and Forecast 2018" Report