With a prestigious royal medicine brand history of over 300 years, Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese Medicine Company Limited recently held a Plaque Cleansing (Complimenting) Ceremony at its Research and Development Production Plant and Cultural Museum at Tai Po Industrial Estate to celebrate the annual global "Tong Ren Tang Day.")

JEDDAH, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA - EQS - 11 October2018 - TheBoard of Directors of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of thePrivate Sector (ICD) in its 91stMeeting held on 3/9/2018 approved appointment of Mr. AymanAmin Sejiny, as General Manager (CEO) of ICD.
Dr.Bandar Hajjar, the President of IsDB and Chairman of ICD Board of Directorssaid: "After a rigorous search, the Board concluded that Ayman'sconsiderable experience in banking sector, along with his strong track recordof success as a CEO, made him the outstanding candidate for the role. Mr. Aymanhas demonstrated throughout his career the ability to work successfully indifferent environments, designing and leading strategies which resulted inimpressive value creation. I look forward to working with him to create thenext chapter of ICD's story of success".
Mr Ayman Sejiny, incomingCEO, said: "I have admired ICD from the outside for many years and amdelighted, therefore, to have been chosen to lead the corporation in the nextexciting phase of its journey. I greatly look forward to meeting employees,leaders, customers and other stakeholders after I join in October and toworking with them to achieve further success in the years to come."
Mr. Ayman Amin Sejiny is highly accomplishedfinancial industry leader. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Ibdar BankBSC, Bank Alkhair, Barclays Capital Saudi Arabia and as the Chairman of Open-Silicon,Inc and Bahrain Financing Company Group as well as a Board member of UnicornBahrain. Mr. Sejiny has in-depth knowledge and more than 24 years' experiencein investment and corporate banking in the local, regional and internationalmarkets. He held a senior role in a number of regional and international financialinstitutions, including Citi Bank and ABN AMRO affiliate in Saudi Arabia (SaudiAmerican Bank "SAMBA" and Saudi Hollandi Bank). Mr. Sejiny is Board and C-Levelperformer with vast experience in innovating financial processes and products andestablishing boards, managements and institutions in highly regulated andsophisticated jurisdictions and industry sectors. Mr Ayman holds a BA inFinance from Eastern Michigan University, United States.
About ICD
A member of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, theICD supports economic development and promotes the development of the privatesector in its member countries through providing Shariah-compliant financefacilities and/or investments. It also provides advice to governments andprivate organizations to encourage the establishment, expansion and modernizationof private enterprises.
For more information, please visit www.icd-ps.org