Veteran opera singer celebrates career with live show

October 08, 2018 - 09:00

People’s Artist Quang Thọ will celebrate his 50-year music career with a live show in downtown Hà Nội on November 11.

Stage star: People’s artist Quang Thọ on stage. — Photo
Viet Nam News

HÀ NỘI — People’s Artist Quang Thọ will celebrate his 50-year music career with a live show in downtown Hà Nội on November 11.

Titled Hãy Đến Với Anh (Please Come To Me) after the name of a song by composer Duy Thái, Thọ’s show will feature 12 songs, including his most famous ones like Tình Ca (Love Song) and Tôi Là Người Thợ Lò (I’m a Miner). He will also perform duets with his students, such as Đăng Dương, Trọng Tấn, Tùng Dương, Khánh Linh, Tân Nhàn and Lan Anh. Composer Lưu Hà An will act as the Art Director for the show.

Thọ, 70, has no health concerns in organising the live show.

"There are many opera voices who reach their golden time in old age," he said at a press conference for the show. "Their experience in both life and on the stage helps them shine. I have sang, taught and practised with my students so my voice is still strong."

The show will take place at the Friendship Culture Palace, 91 Trần Hưng Đạo Street, Hà Nội, on November 11.

He always tells his students to practise singing everyday.

At the press conference, singer Đăng Dương praised Thọ as an "ideal example" while singer Tùng Dương admitted that he was afraid of the teacher at first as his face was "strict" and "fierce". Though Đăng Dương as established a career in chamber music and Tùng Dương in pop music, both students highly appreciated Thọ’s guidance.

At the show, Thọ’s son, singer Quang Tú, a member of boyband Dòng Thời Gian (Time Line) will perform with Thọ the song Trường Ca Sông Lô (Lô River Epic), as well as with other singers.

Talking about his son, Tho could not hide his pride when noting that he had better vocal techniques than Thọ himself at the same age.

Thọ was born in Hạ Long, in the northern province of Quảng Ninh. He worked for the Electricity Department of Cọc Sáu Mine in Cẩm Phả, Quảng Ninh, before joining an art troupe of the mining area in 1971. He performed widely for soldiers and military officials in battles in the south of Việt Nam, Laos and Cambodia. In 1972, he was sent to study at today’s National Music Academy. After graduating, he became a soloist of the Việt Nam Singing, Dancing and Music Theatre. In 1987, he worked as a lecturer at the Vocal Department of the academy. He also held the post of the head of the department between 2000 and 2008.

He confirmed his talent on foreign stages with some international opera prizes in Germany and Mongolia. At the age of 53, he was awarded the title People’s Artist by the State, which is the highest honour of its kind.

Thọ’s name is associated with various classical songs like Hướng Về Hà Nội (Heading to Hà Nội) by Hoàng Dương, Ta Tự Hào Đi Lên Ôi Việt Nam (Oh Việt Nam, We Go Forward with Pride) by Chu Minh and Lá Đỏ (Red Leaves) by Hoàng Hiệp.

Tickets to the show will be available at the Palace, site, facebook @muaveonline or call 0911078369; 0983653566. — VNS
