
HDBank completes three pillars of Basel II ahead of schedule

The Ho Chi Minh City Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank (HDBank – HoSE: HDB) has applied the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP), thus completing all three pillars of the Basel II ahead of the schedule set by the State Bank of Vietnam under Circulars 13 and 41.

UKVFTA ushers in a bright future for UK – Việt Nam ties, ensures smooth post-Brexit trade

The UK – Việt Nam Free Trade Agreement (UKVFTA) was officially signed in London on December 29. On this occasion, Heather Wheeler, MP and Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy for Cambodia, Laos, Việt Nam and Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade Trần tuấn Anh spoke with Việt Nam News Agency about opportunities and challenges of the newly-signed trade deal which was expected to take force from early 2021.


Top 10 economic events of Việt Nam in 2020

Việt Nam being among the few countries to post GDP growth and the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement in 2020 are among the top 10 domestic economic events in the year. The following are the 10 outstanding events as selected by the Vietnam News Agency.

