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Encountering difficulties and challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic for the past two years, Sun Group has still prevailed over thousands of heavy-weight rivals and won the award of "Best Workplace in Asia in 2021" by HR Asia – the leading HR magazine on the continent.
This is the second time that Sun Group has obtained this prestigious award and is also the first time that this Group has overcome nearly 600 rivals in Viet Nam to achieve the highest score: 4.75/5 points (95 per cent). This score is 25 per cent higher than the average score of enterprises participating in the contest across Asia in 2021 and 15 per cent higher than the score of Sun Group in 2019.
Before that, in 2019, when participating in this award for the first time, Sun Group also prevailed over 265 candidates in order to be in the list of the "Top 50 enterprises having the best working environment in Asia" in Viet Nam.
It is known that the achievement of this position is not easy, because the list of the "Best Workplace in Asia" is chosen via an extremely strict evaluation process according to the TEAM model (Total Engagement Assessment Model) - based on a set of criteria including: Core, Self, Group applied to major human resource markets in Asia.
CORE (Collective Organization for Real Engagement) gives an evaluation on culture, discipline, management capacity, leadership and perceptive initiatives; SELF (Heart, Mind, Soul) gives an evaluation on the level of cohesion, pride and emotion at work; and GROUP (Think, Feel, Do) measures the level of cooperation of members with businesses.
Regarding comments on Sun Group, Mr. William Ng, Editorial Director of HR Asia Magazine, Chairman of the Evaluation Council of HRAA 2021 Award said that: “It is difficult to pick the winner of the HRAA awards this year when there are thousands of good candidates across the continent. However, with the human resource policies concentrating on flexibility, humanities and human-orientation, especially in the context of the pandemic, Sun Group continues to demonstrate its position as a continent-standing enterprise when they have constantly made efforts to take care of the life and health of their employees apart from their fulfilment of responsibilities to the country and the community. That difference has made Sun Group an ideal working environment that makes employees feel desired.”
Sharing the joy of being the winner of the HRAA Award for the Best Workplace in Asia, Mr. Dang Minh Truong, Chairman of the Board of Management of Sun Group, said that: “The unprecedented pressures due to the COVID-19 pandemic on enterprises around the world and in Viet Nam over the past two years is a litmus test. And in that test, until this moment, Sun Group has been standing firmly, because we are a collective where there is a convergence of personnel full of virtue, intelligence and talent, with ideals and beliefs in the Group; we have human resource policies that are very flexible, creative and humane. In which, not only employees can promote their best capacity, be cared for, and respected, but also they can devote their effort to contribute to the country, to the community, in accordance with the spirit of "patriotic people”. They are things that have created the "Best Workplace in Asia” where today, Sun Group continues to be honoured with a higher ranking, when we achieve an almost perfect score.
"This award is a great source of pride for an enterprise regarding the "development of a new Vietnamese generation with quality, capability and health to catch up with the times" as a mission in its development journey. This will also be a motivation for Sun Group to continue the fulfilment of its human resource strategies and development of an increasingly ideal working environment for employees.”
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Sun Group has created a professional, friendly and good-hearted working environment after nearly 15 years of construction and development. It not only creates conditions for employees to promote their best capabilities, their own values where employees are recognised and motivated to develop, but also creates an opportunity for them to improve their health, physical fitness and make them feel positive at work.
Facing abundant difficulties and challenges due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, especially its effect on an enterprise whose key operation is in the field of tourism, Sun Group still continuously succeeds in the hearts of employees thanks to labour plans, flexible and extremely humane human resource policies to protect the benefits and care for the life and health of employees and their families, especially employees in difficult circumstances and those severely impacted during the pandemic. Many meaningful activities and programmes have also been held by the Group, so that employees have a chance to perfect themselves, and simultaneously be able to feel the sincere care and cohesion in the Sun Group house.
Besides, the sponsorship from Sun Group with more than VND1,000 billion and its ongoing support for the Government and localities in the battle against COVID-19 with various activities such as building field hospitals, intensive care units, donating medical equipment and food to citizens in difficult circumstances, have portrayed a beautiful image of a patriotic enterprise, making employees be more trusting and proud and desire to have a long-term career.
The award of the Best Workplace for Asia (HRAA), organised by HR-Asia which is the leading HR magazine in Asia, is the most prestigious human resource award at the continental level, and organised annually aiming to honour leading enterprises that possess both sustainable growth and create an ideal working environment for the labour force in Asia.
Being honoured as the "Best Workplace in Asia" for the second time, once again Sun Group affirms its position as a leading enterprise not only in strategic investment sectors including tourism and resorts, recreational entertainment, luxury real estate and infrastructure investment, but also in being increasingly "classy, quality, and distinctive" in creating an ideal and desirable working environment for employees in both the domestic and foreign market.