Drama club offers online performances on COVID-19 fight

November 10, 2021 - 07:04

Young actors of the drama club Ngôi Sao Xanh (Blue Star) in HCM City will offer online performances and videos on YouTube to keep their businesses alive after lockdown. 


Young actors from the drama club Ngôi Sao Xanh (Blue Star) are offering online performances and videos on the COVID-19 fight in HCM City. Their one and two-act plays on YouTube feature information and facts about COVID-19 and healthcare tips. Photo courtesy of the producer

HCM CITY — Young actors of the drama club Ngôi Sao Xanh (Blue Star) in HCM City will offer online performances and videos on YouTube to keep their business alive after lockdown. 

They plan to produce new drama plays and comedies about the Vietnamese people's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The one and two-act shows feature information and facts about COVID-19 and healthcare tips. 

In the shows, the actors encourage people to wash their hands, wear face masks, and declare their health. They also ask people to stop reporting fake news, stockpiling or hoarding goods, and gathering in public places.

“Our plays will highlight the stories, challenges and sacrifices that HCM City doctors, nurses and other health workers have faced during the pandemic,” said the club’s art director Hoàng Tấn. 

“People’s daily life and difficulties in quarantine zones are also featured. Themes on love, unity, mercy, energy and belief are also included.”

Tấn invited celebrated directors and producers, such as People’s Artist Trần Minh Ngọc and Trần Ngọc Giàu, to help the club’s actors improve their performance skills.

Ngôi Sao Xanh opened in 2019 and has received support from the HCM City Theatre, one of the region’s leading State-owned theatres. 

The club has attracted 20 young actors from art schools such as the HCM City University of Theatre & Cinematography and HCM City University of Culture.

It offers quality shows featuring social issues targeted toward young people, such as love and marriage, women’s rights and gender equality, pollution and environmental protection. 

"We have faced difficulties in offering live shows amid the pandemic. YouTube is a way to keep our business alive and expand Vietnamese drama among audiences,” said Tấn, who has spent several hours each day in the studio to complete his actors’ videos. — VNS 

