N. Korean official reconfirms denuclearisation in IPU address

October 18, 2018 - 11:05

North Korea said that it is determined to faithfully carry out its summit agreement reached with the United States in June to promote peace on the Korean Peninsula.

GENEVA — North Korea said that it is determined to faithfully carry out its summit agreement reached with the United States in June to promote peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Ri Jong-hyok, director of the North’s National Reunification Institute and deputy head of its Supreme People’s Assembly, made the pledge during his address at the 139th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Geneva on Tuesday.

"The resolutions and positions of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to fulfill responsibly and sincerely its summit agreement with the US are firmly established," said Ri in the speech, referring to North Korea by its official name.

In a summit with US President Donald Trump in Singapore in June, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un promised to take steps toward complete denuclearisation in exchange for security guarantees from Washington.

"Sustained development of a country cannot be thought apart from a peaceful environment. South and North Korea have displayed strong enthusiasm towards unification through three rounds of summit meetings this year," Ri said.

He then asked all IPU member states to highly value changes in the situation of the Korean Peninsula and extend support to the efforts to fundamentally resolve its problems.

Ri, who leads North Korea’s delegation to the IPU Assembly, has earlier met with South Korea’s National Assembly Speaker Moon Hee-sang to discuss inter-Korean co-operation on the parliamentary level.

Moon told the IPU conference the previous day that he is firmly convinced of solid peace being established on the Korean Peninsula in accordance with the wishes of the world. — YONHAP

