Tiền Giang to host national kickboxing event

January 24, 2019 - 11:00

The southern province of Tiền Giang will host the National Kickboxing Clubs Cup from March 21.

The National Kickboxing Clubs Cup will start in the southern province of Tiền Giang on March 21. — Photo mediacdn.vn
Viet Nam News

HÀ NỘI — The southern province of Tiền Giang will host the National Kickboxing Clubs Cup from March 21.

The event will attract the participation of around 200 kickboxers from clubs across the country, competing in 12 weight categories for men and women.

The event, which is co-organised by the National Sports Administration and the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, will last until March 28.

The annual event will give fighters a chance to hone their skills and gain experience for upcoming events.

Kickboxing is a group of stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching, historically developed from karate, muay Thai, Kun Khmer and boxing. — VNS
