Hà Nội surpasses its target for advanced new-style rural communes*

September 22, 2024 - 12:04
Although Hà Nội has surpassed its target for building advanced new-style rural communes, localities throughout the city remain committed to exceeding the set goals.
Communes in Ba Vì District effectively promote the movement for clean and green environments, meeting criteria for advanced new-style rural development. Photo courtesy of the Hà Nội New Rural Development Programme's Coordination Office

HÀ NỘI – People from many communes across Hà Nội have recently celebrated the achievement of the advanced new-style rural status.

This is an important milestone for the capital to move closer to its goal of completing the National Target Programme on New Rural Development by the end of 2024.

A decade ago, Mai Đình Commune in Sóc Sơn District was one of the three administrative units in Hà Nội selected to pilot the National Target Programme for New Rural Development.

Overcoming difficulties and capitalising on substantial support from both the city and district, in 2014, the local Party, authorities and people of Mai Đình achieved the new rural status for the 2011-2015 period.

Chairwoman of Mai Đình Commune People's Committee, Nguyễn Thị Thu Huyền said: “Recognising that building a new-style rural area is a journey with a starting point but no end, in recent years, Mai Đình has continued to rally the participation of the entire political system.

“Since 2021, the locality has allocated approximately VNĐ803 billion (US$32.4 million) to develop an advanced new-style rural area.”

The joy was evident when Mai Đình Commune was recently recognised by Hà Nội as an advanced new-style rural commune in 2023. The accomplishment was the result of the collective effort of the people of Mai Đình over many years, she said.

Vân Hà Commune in Đông Anh District has a thriving carpentry trade, with an average income of VNĐ76 million (US$3,000) per person per year. Photo courtesy of he Hà Nội New Rural Development Programme's Coordination Office

In May 2024, Hà Nội recognised 14 communes in Thường Tín and Mê Linh districts as advanced new-style rural communes for 2023.

Chairman of Hòa Bình Commune People's Committee in Thường Tín District, Hoàng Văn Thắng, said that between 2019 and 2023, the commune mobilised about VNĐ181 billion ($7.3 million) for its advanced rural development, of which nearly 14 per cent came from social contributions by organisations, businesses and residents, with the remainder from the State budget.

With such significant investment, the socio-economic infrastructure of Hòa Bình Commune has been continuously upgraded, positively transforming the rural landscape, he said.

Hà Nội recently also recognised two more communes of Hồng Minh in Phú Xuyên District and Phú Đông in Ba Vì District, as advanced new-style rural communes.

From now until the end of 2024, these localities will continue to invest in completing their advanced rural development plans.

Permanent deputy chief of the Hà Nội New Rural Development Programme's Co-ordination Office, Nguyễn Văn Chí, said: "To date, Hà Nội has 188 out of 382 communes recognised as advanced new-style rural areas, accounting for 49.2 per cent of the total number of communes in the city, exceeding the target set by the Hà Nội Party Committee's Programme No. 04-CTr/TU on ‘Strengthening the implementation of the National Target Programme on New Rural Development in conjunction with the restructuring of the agricultural sector and rural economic development, improving the material and spiritual life of farmers for the 2021-2025 period'”.

“The initial goal was to have at least 40 per cent of the communes achieve advanced new rural status by 2025. This result not only helps meet the city's target but also plays a significant role in improving the material and spiritual quality of life for farmers," said Chí.

Duyên Thái Commune in Thường Tín District is renowned for its traditional lacquerware crafts. Photo courtesy of he Hà Nội New Rural Development Programme's Coordination Office

Although Hà Nội has surpassed its target for building advanced new-style rural communes, localities throughout the city remain committed to exceeding the set goals.

Vice chairman of the People's Committee of Chương Mỹ District, Đỗ Hoàng Anh Châu, revealed that by the end of 2023, the district had 11 communes that had achieved advanced new-style rural status.

This exceeded the target set in the district's Party Congress Resolution for the 2020-2025 term, which called for three communes to meet this standard, Châu said.

This year, the city has assigned the district the task of directing two communes to strive for advanced new-style rural status. However, Chương Mỹ has set an internal goal for five communes to meet the standard, going beyond the original target, he added.

To implement the target, from the start of the year, the district's Programme No. 07-CTr/HU Steering Committee, has focused on ‘Strengthening the effective implementation of the National Target Programme on New Rural Development in conjunction with agricultural restructuring and rural economic development, improving the material and spiritual life of farmers for the 2021-2025 period’, has issued plans, reorganised its Steering Committee and adjusted the support team for the programme.

Additionally, specialised departments within the district have been conducting inspections and evaluations of the criteria achieved by the five communes in their journey towards advanced rural status.

In Ứng Hòa District, nine communes had achieved advanced new-style rural status by the end of 2023.

In 2024, the district is focusing on bringing an additional seven communes to the standard.

Harvesting cabbages in Văn Đức Commune in Gia Lâm District. The commune is one of the largest vegetable-growing regions in Hà Nội. Photo courtesy of he Hà Nội New Rural Development Programme's Coordination Office

The district continues to prioritise investment in infrastructure for the communes aiming for advanced rural status while encouraging businesses and residents to contribute funds, materials, labour and land, to support production development, improve homes, build roads and enhance irrigation systems, healthcare, education and cultural facilities, as well as address environmental issues at the grassroots level.

Deputy chief of the Hà Nội New Rural Development Programme's Coordination Office, Ngọ Văn Ngôn, stated that in 2024, Hà Nội aims to have at least 40 more communes recognised as advanced new-style rural areas. To achieve this, localities need to enhance the effectiveness of their communication efforts, ensuring they are diverse, continuous and focused, to mobilise resources, foster solidarity and promote a sense of responsibility and consensus among the people, Ngôn said. VNS

*The article is published under the co-ordination of the Hà Nội New Rural Development Programme's Coordination Office
