Man treated for lung injury caused by fish gun arrow in Quảng Bình

June 05, 2024 - 08:54
While fishing in the waters of Quảng Trạch District, the 32-year-old man suddenly encountered an incident that caused the fish gun arrow to hit him, causing injury.
The man was pierced through the lung by an arrow from a fish gun. VNA/VNS Photo

QUẢNG BÌNH – Đồng Hới Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Hospital in Quảng Bình Province has successfully treated a male patient who had a sharp, arrow-shaped object pierced into his lung.

While fishing in the waters of Quảng Trạch District, the 32-year-old man suddenly encountered an incident that caused the fish gun arrow to hit him, causing injury.

He was taken to the hospital with the object penetrating deeply into his back, causing severe pain in the right chest area.

After a computed tomography scan of the chest and abdomen, doctors determined that the patient had a sharp, arrow-shaped object penetrating from the lumbar area into the pleural cavity (right), causing damage to the right lung and right pillar of the diaphragm.

The doctors decided to operate to remove the object from the patient's body.

After a two-hour operation, the patient’s health was in stable condition and he is now being cared for and treated at the hospital’s Department of Thoracic Surgery. VNS
