HCM City's disbursement of public investment capital still slow

June 02, 2024 - 09:29
The HCM City disbursed only VNĐ6.55 trillion (US$267.1 million) of public investment in the five months of this year, or only 8.3 per cent of the year's target, according to the City's State Treasury.
HCM City has only disbursed about 8 per cent of total public investment capital in the first five months of the year. Photo baomoi.com

HCM CITY — The HCM City disbursed only VNĐ6.55 trillion (US$267.1 million) of public investment in the five months of this year, or only 8.3 per cent of the year's target, according to the City's State Treasury.

Therefore, deputy director of the City's State Treasury Bùi Nhật Toàn said that he is coordinating with the Department of Finance and Department of Planning and Investment to advise the City People's Committee on solutions to accelerate public investment disbursement.

To reach a public investment disbursement target of at least 95 percent this year, the City People's Committee requested departments, agencies, districts, and Thủ Đức City to take the initiative in co-operation with relevant agencies to remove difficulties to speed up the execution of projects.

Specifically, for key projects, investors need to submit weekly reports to relevant agencies to promptly update the specific capital amount and disbursement rate of each month, as well as any difficulties and problems.

For projects that are behind schedule, the municipal Department of Planning and Investment will coordinate with relevant units to review and urge investors to accelerate the progress of projects.

At the same time, the City will resolutely handle the responsibility of investors who cannot ensure construction progress due to subjective reasons. — VNS
