Police return stolen phone

March 02, 2023 - 17:05
So pleased with the detectives, the visitor wrote a personal letter thanking them for their quick actions and service.
K.H.J (left) thanked police for finding his stolen phone. — Photo courtesy of Đà Nẵng Police. 

ĐÀ NẴNG — A South Korean tourist thought his trip had been ruined after a thief stole his valuable mobile phone.

But now the visitor has been reunited with his precious device, worth around $2,000, after police caught the thief and recovered his stolen item.

The South Korean was playing football in Đà Nẵng’s Sơn Trà District Centre for Culture, Information and Sports, and left his belongings on the side of the pitch with a number of other bags. But after the final whistle he realised his phone had been taken.

An Hải Tây Ward Police investigated and caught the thief. They not only recovered the visitor’s phone, but a number of other devices.

So pleased with the detectives, the visitor wrote a personal letter thanking them for their quick actions and service. — VNS
