Brazilian ambassador to Việt Nam Marco Farani wrote to Việt Nam News on the occasion of the 202nd anniversary of Brazil's Independence Day (September 7)
This year Brazil and Việt Nam celebrate 35 years of diplomatic relations and 17 years of Comprehensive Partnership. I am glad to say that the two countries have followed over the years the path of positive dialogue, based on a relationship of trust, mutual respect and a firm intention of building a fruitful and robust partnership.
Brazil and Việt Nam present several points of convergence, standing out as countries with a large contingent of young and active people, growing economies and a focus on innovation. Both countries are committed to building a prosperous and sustainable future. Externally, our countries are aligned with the principles of peace and cooperative coexistence. On a political level, Brazil and Việt Nam have established important dialogue mechanisms and a solid institutional base integrated by several agreements in important areas of cooperation.
Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mauro Vieira with Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính in his official visit to Việt Nam in April 2024. Photos courtesy of the embassy |
With the advent of President Lula da Silva's government, the bilateral relationship gained a more dynamic contour, with an increase in the exchange of high-level visits between the two countries. In September last year, Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính visited Brazil and took the opportunity to extend his government's invitation to President Lula da Silva to visit Việt Nam. On the occasion, agreements were signed in the areas of defence, education and agriculture and it reaffirmed the mutual desire to upgrade the comprehensive partnership to a new level. Among other activities, the Vietnamese authority participated in meetings with Brazilian businesspeople and visited the headquarters of EMBRAER, the third largest aviation company in the world.
Last March, we received the visit of the Vice-Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, who presented concrete proposals for the opening of the respective markets for specific products. In April, as part of the 35-year anniversary of bilateral relations, the Brazilian Chancellor Mauro Vieira visited Việt Nam. During his mission, the Brazilian authority had important meetings with high level Vietnamese authorities, including PM Phạm Minh Chính, and started preparations for President Lula da Silva's official visit to this country in the near future.
In the economic and commercial domain, trade balance observed rapid growth in both directions, reaching around US$ 7.1 billion, with an upward projection for the coming years. Trade and economic cooperation constitute an important pillar of the bilateral relationship, presenting a high degree of market complementarity. Việt Nam is one of Brazil's largest trading partners in Southeast Asia, ranking second among ASEAN countries. However, there is enough room to enhance this cooperation on both sides.
In terms of scientific and technological cooperation, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, and President of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB), Luciana Santos, visited Việt Nam accompanied by a delegation of experts, with the aim of discussing bilateral cooperation in areas such as digital transformation, artificial intelligence and semiconductor manufacturing and human resources training.
Brazilian ambassador to Việt Nam Marco Farani (fifth from right) with veteran Brazilian players Dunga and Rivaldo (fifth from left) in Đã Nẵng City in April 2024. |
In the area of cultural and sports cooperation, in celebration of 35 years of bilateral relations, Việt Nam and Brazil organised the 'Brazil-Việt Nam Football Festival 2024' which was held in Đà Nẵng and Hà Nội and featured the participation of veteran idols of Brazilian football. Both matches were attended by an amazing audience of Vietnamese football fans. During the occasion, the Brazilian players also conducted workshops with Vietnamese children. This event illustrated the Vietnamese people's appreciation for Brazilian football and its players, and reaffirmed the meaning of sporting cooperation as an outstanding tool for bringing people together.
At the multilateral level, this year we have the honour of assuming the G20 presidency. During this special occasion, the participants will be invited to discuss select issues on the international agenda such as combatting hunger, climate sustainability and global governance reform. Among the main initiatives of the Brazilian government, the proposal of the Brazilian G20 presidency regarding the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty deserves special mention. Its official launch will take place during the G20 Summit, scheduled for next November. The initiative received unanimous approval from the G20 participating countries.
Việt Nam was invited to participate in two technical segments of G20 groups, Agriculture and Science and Technology and Innovation. Foreign Minister Bùi Thanh Sơn has been invited to participate in the G20 Foreign Ministers meeting to be held in New York this month at the UN General Assembly and PM Phạm Minh Chính is expected to be back in Brazil next November for the G20 Summit.
In relation to the Brazilian economic and development prospects, I would like to stress the remarkable advances that occurred in the country at the economic and social level, mainly based on incentives for growth associated with the implementation of social inclusion policies. The Brazilian economy in 2023 recorded GDP growth of around 3 per cent, exceeding global expectations and positioning Brazil as the eighth largest economy in the world. The unemployment rate is below 7 per cent, per capita income grew by 11.79 per cent and inflation is under control.
On the environmental front, Brazil, which has one of the greatest levels of biodiversity in the world, recorded a 62 per cent reduction in deforestation in the Amazon region alone. According to recent data, 68 per cent of the Brazilian territory is made up of native vegetation.
With an 88 per cent renewable energy matrix, Brazil is currently one of the leading global countries in the energy transition and has one of the highest rates of renewable energy use in the world. Soon Brazil will be using 100 per cent renewable energy.
Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mauro Vieira with his Vietnamese counterpart on his official visit to Hà Nội in April 2024. |
The employment of ethanol in transportation is one of the main factors responsible for Brazil's success in the energy transition process and the advancement of the green economy in the country. In this regard, I am glad to mention that this year in Hà Nội we promoted the 'Ethanol Talks', a conference that stressed the importance of ethanol use, which has contributed to a drastic reduction of CO2 emissions in Brazil.
Being one of the largest agricultural producers in the world, Brazil plays an important role in the world's food security. Due to the introduction of high technology, it has increased agricultural productivity by 580 per cent in recent decades. By prioritising degraded areas it has reduced the use of new arable land, demonstrating ongoing concern with sustainability.
This year, as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations, I want to express, in the name of the Brazilian government, the strong desire to build a stronger and promising partnership in the years ahead and to join efforts to work together with a shared vision on peace, mutual respect and even a more fruitful cooperation, attending the highest interests of the two countries and their booming economies. VNS