Vietnamese Party chief Nguyễn Phú Trọng an exemplary leader: former Lao leader

July 21, 2024 - 16:12
The two Parties and two economies have similarities and have the same basic development, so the lessons of Việt Nam can be applied by Laos, former Party General Secretary and President of Laos Choummaly Sayasone said
Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng meets with intellectual and business communities of ethnic minority groups nationwide in December 2017. VNA/VNS photo

VIENTIANE — Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng is an exemplary leader of the Party and State of Việt Nam, who is trusted and loved by the people, said former Party General Secretary and President of Laos Choummaly Sayasone.

Speaking to the Việt Nam News Agency in Vientiane, he expressed deep sadness at the passing of General Secretary Trọng, a close friend of the Lao people, as well as of himself, saying it is a great loss for the Party, State and people of Việt Nam, as well as for the Party, State and peoples of Laos.

Recounting the time he worked with General Secretary Trọng, Sayasone said the Vietnamese Party leader has brought warm feelings and invaluable lessons to him as well as the Party and State of Laos. Amidst many complex problems in the world situation, together with other leaders, General Secretary Trọng led the Communist Party of Việt Nam (CPV) to come up with wise and flexible policies, helping Việt Nam overcome all obstacles and acquire more strategic friends.

The former Lao leader said he had learned a lot from General Secretary Trong, especially in Party building work, cadre training, and handling negative phenomena. He noted that Party General Secretary Trọng had been very resolute about the wrongdoings of some leaders at all levels, determining to completely resolve the problem, even when they are high-ranking leaders. He highlighted that Trọng devoted his whole life to Việt Nam's revolutionary cause, setting an example in practical action and in all fields.

Also during the time he worked with the Vietnamese leader during 2011-2015, Sayasone said that he was most impressed by and learned the most from Trọng's viewpoint on building political bases and developing new rural areas - lessons that have helped Việt Nam succeed. Laos has learned and built a policy following Việt Nam's model for rural development. This showed that the two Parties and two economies have similarities and have the same basic development, so the lessons of Việt Nam can be applied by Laos, he said.

He recounted that General Secretary Trọng had visited Attapeu Province of Laos and encouraged Vietnamese firms investing in the locality to support local economic development and rural building. At present, the two governments are still implementing many cooperative projects, which Sayasone believes will reap success, thus promoting economic growth and bringing a better life for people in each country.

Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng (left) meets with former Party General Secretary and President of Laos Choummaly Sayasone in Vientiane on February 24, 2019. VNA/VNS photo

According to Sayason, under Party General Secretary Trọng's leadership, the content of cooperation between the two Governments of Laos and Việt Nam has been carried out in line with the guidance of President Hồ Chí Minh and President Kaysone Phomvihane on comprehensive cooperation and special solidarity, which is very special and unique as such a relationship exists only between Laos and Việt Nam. He underlined the need for the two countries to preserve and continue to develop their special solidarity and cooperation relationship.

Sayasone expressed his gratitude to the Party and State of Việt Nam for always providing support for Laos.

He said he will continue educating the younger generation to follow the example of General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng. He believes that other Vietnamese leaders will continue to preserve, nurture and develop the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Việt Nam. — VNA/VNS
