National Assembly Chairman Trần Thanh Mẫn engages with voters in Hậu Giang

July 02, 2024 - 06:36
The NA Chairman called for proactive, collaborative efforts from citizens and officials in national construction and defence and also discussed teaching salaries and the price of electricity.
Nguyễn Thanh Điền, a voter from Vị Thủy District, speaks at the meeting. VNA/VNS Photo

HẬU GIANG — National Assembly Chairman Trần Thanh Mẫn engaged with voters yesterday following the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly (NA), where he addressed questions on electricity pricing and social insurance payments.

Nguyễn Thanh Điền, a voter from Vị Thủy District, raised concerns about the state monopoly on electricity production, management and distribution and its impact on the cost of all other goods. He inquired about the NA's plans to stabilise electricity prices and revise the current electricity pricing method.

In response, Chairman Mẫn stated that the issues raised have been monitored and supervised by the NA's agencies. In 2023, the NA Standing Committee oversaw a specialised report on energy development.

The supervising team concluded that electricity prices have been slow to change and not reflective of market mechanisms; market signals in electricity generation and transmission are not fully reflected in the prices for end consumers.

The retail electricity pricing structure under the Electricity Law does not align with actual consumption patterns across customer groups, maintaining cross-subsidies, with residential electricity prices remaining higher than those for production and business customers. This is contrary to the goals of energy-saving and efficiency in energy-intensive industries.

Under NA Standing Committee's Resolution No 937/NQ-UBTVQH15, the Government and the Prime Minister will instruct ministries, sectors and localities to adjust retail electricity prices promptly in response to actual fluctuations in input factors, such as fuel prices and exchange rates. Additionally, it requires the legalisation of retail electricity price management to ensure transparency and market-driven pricing.

Trần Thị Mỹ Xuyên from Vị Thanh City highlighted the difficulties faced by school staff due to the lack of allowances while performing multiple roles, such as health officers acting as cashiers and accountants doubling as clerks. Many have left their jobs due to low salaries that are insufficient to cover personal expenses. She urged the consideration of a 25 per cent allowance for educational staff, similar to that of civil servants, to enhance income stability and motivate them at work.

Chairman Trần Thanh Mẫn acknowledged the issue, noting that with a base salary of VNĐ1.8 million, school support staff earn between VNĐ4 million to VNĐ7 million, while handling significant workloads and multiple responsibilities.

The 7th session, based on the Politburo's Conclusion No 83-KL/TW and the Government's Report No 329/BC-CP, agreed on salary reforms, including adjusting pensions, social insurance allowances and preferential allowances from July 1.

The base salary will increase from VNĐ1.8 million to VNĐ2.34 million, a 30 per cent increase, pensions and social insurance allowances will increase by 15 per cent, preferential allowances by 35.7 per cent and social allowances by 38.9 per cent (the highest increase since the 2004 salary reform, with a total budget of VNĐ913 trillion for 2024-2026).

Regarding delayed social insurance contributions, the Chairman stated that the revised Social Insurance Law, passed during the 7th session, explicitly prohibits delayed or evaded contributions and misuse of social insurance funds. The Government is tasked with defining eligibility, support levels and procedures for retirement and death benefits for workers whose employers cannot contribute to social insurance before July 1. If authorities find employers capable of contributing, they must collect and enforce payments and address violations as per the law, he said.

The Government must also ensure the recognition of mandatory social insurance contributions made by business household heads before the law's effective date, as a basis for resolving social insurance benefits in accordance with social insurance laws and the National Assembly's Resolution No 100/2023/QH15 on questioning activities during the 5th session of the 15th National Assembly.

The NA chairman highlighted the extensive legislative workload during the 7th session, which was the highest since the beginning of the term, with laws and resolutions covering various sectors of great public interest. He praised the meticulous personnel work and active contributions from the Ethnic Council, National Assembly committees and related agencies, noting improvements in organisation, implementation and communication.

On economic and social matters, he reported a 6.42 per cent GDP growth in the first half of 2024 and significant increases in budget revenue, trade value and foreign direct investment. He affirmed that the first six months saw maintained growth targets, macroeconomic stability, inflation control, improved social welfare, national defence and effective anti-corruption measures. VNS
