Defence Minister Phan Van Giang attends Army 2023 in Russia

August 14, 2023 - 21:16
A Vietnamese delegation, led by Minister of National Defence General Phan Văn Giang, participated in the opening ceremony of the international military-technical forum (Army 2023) in Moscow on Monday.


Minister of National Defence General Phan Văn Giang visits the exhibition by Việt Nam's Viettel exhibition at the international military-technical forum (Army 2023) in Moscow. — Photo from the People's Army Newspaper

MOSCOW — A Vietnamese delegation, led by Minister of National Defence General Phan Văn Giang, participated in the opening ceremony of the international military-technical forum (Army 2023) in Moscow on Monday.

On the occasion, Giang visited several booths of participating countries, including Việt Nam. Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) Nguyễn Văn Nghĩa met and worked with foreign partners.

Army is an annual exhibition and forum held by the Russian Ministry of Defence since 2015, attracting numerous countries, enterprises, and organisations to participate and showcase defence products. One of the world's largest international exhibitions of arms and military equipment, it includes the display of advanced products; live demonstrations of weapons and technical equipment, and scientific workshops on military technology and defence industry applications.

Its 2023 edition attracts the participation of delegations from nearly 60 countries; 1,500 Russian companies; and 85 foreign firms.

Việt Nam has participated in the event since 2018, with the General Department of Defence Industry and Military Industry-Telecoms Group of Việt Nam displaying 240 products this year.

Earlier on the same day, the delegation laid a wreath at the statue of President Hồ Chí Minh in Moscow and visited the Vietnamese Embassy. — VNS
