Party chief’s anti-corruption book introduced to public

January 12, 2023 - 10:10
The book on anti-corruption written by Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng was introduced on Wednesday in Hà Nội.


The book on anti-corruption written by Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng. — Photo

HÀ NỘI — A book on anti-corruption written by Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng was introduced on Wednesday in Hà Nội.

The Central Party Committee’s Internal Affairs Commission, Publicity and Education Commission and National Political Publishing House held a press conference to introduce the book.

It aims to raise awareness of State employees, Party members, citizens and the whole political system on policies of the Party and the State in the fight against corruption and wrongdoings.

Titled “Persistently determined to prevent and fight against corruption and negative phenomena, contributing to building an increasingly transparent and strong Party and State”, the book summarises the anti-corruption direction of Party General Secretary Trọng, who is also head of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-corruption.

Consisting of three charters with nearly 600 pages and 100 illustrative photos, the book demonstrates a transparent and consistent ideology of the Party on preventing and combating corruption and negativity, building and rectifying the Party, and training on ethics and lifestyle for cadres and Party members.

Readers will find answers to the big questions raised, including why people should stay persistent and determined to prevent and repel corruption.

The book also helps readers recognise signs of corruption and its impacts as well as anti-corruption achievements and further actions needed to be taken to continue to push back corruption in the future.

The book has been released on the occasion of the 93rd founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Việt Nam (February 3, 2023) and ten-year founding anniversary of the Central Steering Committee on Anti-corruption (2013-23).

According to the Central Party Committee’s Internal Affairs Commission, over the past ten years, 2,657 corruption cases were investigated and prosecuted nationwide with 5,841 officials arrested.

Since 2021 – the beginning of the 13th Party tenure, about 4,200 corruption cases were investigated. As many as 7,572 people were accused of corruption, abusing power and committing economic crimes.

The figures show a very high determination and great efforts, which go hand in hand with the Party and State's actions in detecting and dealing with corruption and negativity. That makes the anti-corruption mission not only a political statement but also a practical action, said Nguyễn Thái Học, deputy chairman of Central Party Committee’s Internal Affairs Commission, at the book’s introduction ceremony.

The book will be released in print and online. The online version is available for free on — VNS
