NA sitting opens with wide range of laws to be examined

October 20, 2022 - 17:30
Speaking at the opening of the session, NA chairman Vương Đình Huệ said lawmakers will scrutinise and adopt seven bills.


NA Chairman Vương Đình Huệ speaks at the opening of 15th NA's 4th session. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — The fourth sitting of the 15th National Assembly opened on Thursday as lawmakers get set for a busy schedule that will see new, revised and proposed laws discussed in detail between now and November 15. 

Speaking at the opening of the session, NA Chairman Vương Đình Huệ said lawmakers will scrutinise and adopt seven bills.

Under the microscope are; Petroleum Law (revised), Law on Domestic Violence Prevention and Control (revised), Law on Inspection (revised), Law on the Implementation of Democracy at Grassroots Levels, Law on amending and supplementing several articles of Law on Radio Frequency, Law on Medical Examination and Treatment (revised), and Anti-Money Laundering Law.

The legislators are expected to approve a resolution on auctions of vehicle number plates, a resolution on regulations of the National Assembly session (amended), and a resolution on the implementation of pilot-specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Buôn Ma Thuột City in the Central Highlands province of Đắk Lắk.

Other seven bills to be discussed are the Land Law (revised), Law on Bidding (revised), Law on Co-operatives (revised), Law on Consumers' Right Protection (revised), Law on Price (revised), Law on E-transactions (revised) and Law on Civil Defence (revised).

"This is a hefty amount of legislative work which covers a large scope and contains in-depth issues. Some of the bills receive the profound attention of the public, voters and people nationwide before the sitting," Huệ said.

"Law projects submitted to the National Assembly for the first time at this session are all significant in continuing to institutionalise the Party's major policies in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the resolutions of the Central Party Committee," Huệ said.

"The Land Law (revised) project was developed to institutionalise Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW dated June 16, 2022, of the 5th plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee on continuing to renew and perfect the constitution, regulations and policies, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of land management and use, creating a driving force for our country to become a high-income developed country," Huệ said.

He called on NA deputies to adopt regulations suitable for land laws when examining the bill.

The revised law must overcome obstacles and inadequacies in practice but still ensure synchronous, strategic and long-term approaches.

Huệ said that public and private landowners must be identified in the law to ensure that land is owned by the entire people and managed by the State as the sole representative of the owner.

The land management and use must be suitable and synchronous with the socialist-oriented market economic institution, creating conditions for stakeholders to access and use land fairly, effectively and sustainably, Huệ said.

Challenges ahead

After praising the significant achievements Việt Nam made in the first nine months of this year, NA Chairman Huệ warned that Việt Nam would continue to face difficulties and challenges in the last months of this year and into the next.

Such challenges could include a socio-economic slowdown, Huệ said, pointing out challenges relating to complicated and unpredictable fluctuations of the world economy; complicated new developments in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict; more intense strategic competition among major countries; inflationary pressures, fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates and the risk of world economic recession; and natural disasters, diseases and unpredictable and increasingly extreme weather.

He asked NA deputies to carefully review the Government's reports, proposals and assessments from NA committees to identify shortcomings and problems.

With proper studies and assessment, NA deputies are expected to consider and decide on views, general goals, important basic indicators, key tasks and solutions for socio-economic development next year. This will include adjusting salaries, pensions, social insurance and preferential allowances as part of the mid-term financial plan for 2023-2025.

At this session, the NA will decide whether to elect a new State Auditor General; approve the proposal for the appointment of the Minister of Transport; and approve a proposal to appoint the Minister of Health. 

The NA will also review the implementation of Resolution No. 54/2017/QH14 on piloting specific mechanisms and policies for the development of HCM City and consider the Government's proposal for extending the resolution's validity.

GDP in nine months reaches 8.8 per cent, expected to exceed annual target

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth is estimated at 8.83 per cent in the first nine months of this year and is expected to reach 8 per cent for the whole year, higher than the target of 6-6.5 per cent, said Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính.

Progress has been recorded in three sectors of agriculture, industry-construction and service, creating momentum for the socio-economic development plan in the 2021-25 period, he said while delivering a speech at the NA meeting.

Reporting on the outcomes of socio-economic development in 2022 and plans for 2023, Chính said economic recovery has been reported at the same pace in all localities, while some have recorded a high growth rate.

The average Consumer Price Index (CPI) in nine months increased by 2.73 per cent, and is estimated at about 4 per cent for the whole year.

Export and import turnover in nine months totalled more than US$558 billion with the trade surplus reaching $6.76 billion.

The Foreign Direct Investment reached $15.4 billion, increasing by 16.3 per cent compared to the same period last year. More than 163,000 businesses were newly established and resumed operations.

Public debt, the Government’s debt and foreign debt have been safely controlled. Many reputable international organisations highly appreciated the results and prospects of the Vietnamese economy, the Cabinet leader said.

Construction has been completed on about 565km of highways with 365km in operation. In December, construction of Long Thành International Airport and all 12 projects expanding 729km of the eastern section of the North-South Expressway is expected to start.

Highlighting that the tasks in the remaining months of 2022 are challenging, Chính said the targets are to manage interest rates and exchange rates, ensure the stability of the monetary and banking system, accelerate public investment disbursement and speed up the implementation of three national target programmes and the socio-economic recovery and development programme.

Chính said the GDP in 2023 is set at 6.5 per cent. CPI is targeted at about 4.5 per cent. The percentage of poor households classified under multi-dimensional poverty standards is expected to decrease by 1-1.5 per cent.

The targets in 2023 are to continue to stabilise the macro-economy, control inflation, foster growth, ensure major balances of the economy and prevent diseases.

The Government will focus on accelerating restructuring of the economy, improving internal capacity, self-reliance, resilience and adaptability of the economy, at the same time consolidate and develop new growth drivers, he said.

The Government will accelerate administrative reform, streamline apparatus and create favourable business conditions and climate, he said.

2023 goals also include fighting corruption, wastefulness, promoting external relations work and international integration to elevate Việt Nam’s prestige and position in the global arena. — VNS
