Việt Nam ready to promote comprehensive partnership with US

September 09, 2022 - 08:24
In a reception in Hà Nội on Thursday for US Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs Bonnie D. Jenkins, Ngọc spoke highly of bilateral ties in various areas, especially in economy-trade, war aftermath overcoming, health care, education, climate change and energy transition.
Deputy Foreign Minister Hà Kim Ngọc (right) receives US Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs Bonnie D. Jenkins in Hà Nội on Thursday. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — Deputy Foreign Minister Hà Kim Ngọc has stressed that Việt Nam is ready to promote comprehensive partnership with the US in an effective and practical manner on the basis of respecting each other’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political regime.

In a reception in Hà Nội on Thursday for US Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs Bonnie D. Jenkins, Ngọc spoke highly of bilateral ties in various areas, especially in economy-trade, war aftermath overcoming, health care, education, climate change and energy transition.

Hailing the US as one of the top important partners, Ngọc suggested the US Department of State continue with the exchange of delegations and high-level visits, enhancing cooperation to overcome war consequences as well as in regional and global issues, for the sake of peace, stability and development in the region.

Jenkins, for her part, praised Việt Nam’s contributions to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. She expressed her wish to reinforce collaboration in fields of mutual concern, especially in overcoming the consequences of war, health care and pandemic prevention, aviation security, nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and promotion of women’s role in peace and security.

During her stay, Jenkins is scheduled to hold working sessions with leaders of the Transport Ministry and the Civil Aviation Authority of Việt Nam, meet students of the Diplomatic Academy of Việt Nam, and visit several localities to step up cooperation in overcoming war aftermaths. — VNS
