Đào Trung Chính, Director of the Department of Planning and Land Resource Development under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, talks to Natural Resources and Environment Magazine about the results of the consultation on the draft Land Law (amended).
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Đào Trung Chính, Director of the Department of Planning and Land Resource Development under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Photo baotainguyenmoitruong.vn |
Đào Trung Chính, Director of the Department of Planning and Land Resource Development under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, talks to the Natural Resources and Environment magazine about the results of the consultation on the draft Land Law (amended).
How do you evaluate the results of the consultation process with the people on the Draft Land Law (amended) according to the direction of the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Government, and the Prime Minister?
The consultation process has been a deep political and social activity, attracting the attention of a wide range of people, intellectuals, and overseas Vietnamese (with the direct participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through representative agencies and Vietnamese embassies abroad), organisations, and businesses operating in Việt Nam.
Information dissemination work by media agencies has been carried out regularly, continuously, and extensively throughout the country, reaching every hamlet, village, and neighbourhood. Many newspapers and magazines have opened sections for people to give their opinions on the content of the Draft Law.
Conferences, workshops, and specialised discussions have been organised by ministries, branches, localities, and agencies with great effort and demonstrated the proactivity and deep concern of the whole people for the Draft Land Law (amended). In addition, many individuals have devoted their enthusiasm to studying, giving direct, specific, and detailed opinions on the Draft Law.
As of March 15, 2023, the deadline for collecting opinions according to Resolution 671, we had received 7,979 direct opinions and 75 written opinions (including 22 opinions from organisations and 53 opinions from individuals) via the website luatdatdai.monre.gov.vn of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).
In addition, the drafting agency has received 98 written opinions, including 36 from organisations and the rest from citizens. The MONRE has also compiled all contributions from ministries, branches, localities, and organisations.
As of March 24, 46 provinces and cities and 31 ministries and government agencies had already given their opinions.
What is your opinion on the feedback received? Which specific content areas do the opinions focus on?
Through feedback from agencies, organisations, and individuals, many opinions agree with the basic contents of the Draft Law. The draft has been evaluated to have many innovations, meeting the needs and aspirations of the people, utilising land resources for socio-economic development, and contributing to the tight management and efficient land use.
The majority of opinions focus on the following content areas: land planning and use plans, land recovery, compensation policies, support, and resettlement; land allocation, land leasing, and changes in land use purpose; land finance policies and land prices; land registration, certification, administrative procedures, land data, and information; commercialising annual land rental rights and choosing forms of land rental payments; land use regulations and management; public lands, lands with underground structures, and airspace use rights; the role of the Front and its members; the role of the commune-level People's Committees; land fund development; power delegation, monitoring, and control; household land use; handling of laws that conflict and overlap with the Draft Land Law (amended).
The opinions received are very diverse, from many different perspectives, even conflicting in some cases. How do we maximise the incorporation of these opinions and based on what criteria?
To ensure the assigned progress, the drafting agency has simultaneously confirmed the reception of opinions and proceeded with feedback since March 15. The MONRE and the drafting team have focused on explaining and recognising people's opinions in the spirit of "doing as much as possible."
Recently, all feedback has been thoroughly analysed by the MONRE and the drafting team. There have also been exchanges with some agencies of the National Assembly, relevant ministries, and sectors to reach consensus on the draft law.
Contents with many different opinions that have not yet reached a consensus will be compiled, reported in detail to the Government and the National Assembly for specific opinions. The consideration and explanation of opinions will be conducted in detail for each individual's and organisation's opinions, compiled, and reported results to the Government and the National Assembly and publicly disclosed according to the provisions of the law on issuing legal normative documents.
Regarding the criteria for consideration and explaining opinions, we focus on the practical, scientific, and democratic elements. All opinions are equally important, and we ensure a comprehensive absorption and explanation process while prioritising the most valuable contributions to the draft law.
As you have discussed, issues related to land finance mechanisms, land prices, and land use have received a lot of feedback from the people. Are opinions in favour of the content of the draft law?
The draft law on land finance mechanisms based on Resolution 18-NQ/TW has some revolutionary provisions, such as abolishing land price brackets, regulating the management of revenue from land, clearly defining cases where land price tables and specific land prices are applicable, detailing regulations on land valuation appraisal councils, and providing specific guidelines on land valuation consultancy.
Therefore, the public's opinions are focused on these specific provisions in the draft law. In particular, many people agree with the abolition of land price brackets in the hope that land prices will gradually become more aligned with the market.
The annual land price table is also widely supported, but some suggest that the frequency of issuing the table should be reconsidered to ensure efficiency and avoid overburdening state agencies. Some suggest issuing the table every two to three years and adjusting it when there are certain levels of fluctuation.
Additionally, some opinions suggest that specific regulations are needed to ensure the appraisal council's deep expertise, independence, objectivity, and transparency.
Regarding the principle of market-based land valuation, this is a relatively new issue in Việt Nam, especially given the limited database on land prices. The draft law's drafting committee and editorial team will consider and review specific regulations more carefully to facilitate implementation based on the feedback received.
All opinions have been collected and carefully considered by the drafting group to ensure appropriateness. VNS