SYDNEY,AUSTRALIA - Media OutReach - 17 February 2021 - Henkel Australia has officiallyopened the upgraded Innovation and Application Lab in Seven Hills, Sydney,Australia. As a global leader in adhesives, sealants and functional coatings,the upgraded facility positions Henkel at the forefront of innovation for keygrowth sectors in Australia and New Zealand, namely food and beverage,packaging, engineered wood and general manufacturing and maintenance.
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Daniel Rudolph, President of Henkel Australia andNew Zealand, said, "Henkel's customers are looking for the latestinnovations to increase performance and efficiency, and improve theirsustainability footprint. The upgrading of our Innovation and Application Laballows us to test and tailor solutions to meet the requirements of the localmarket, ranging from the latest in product design and food safety standards toadapting to a circular economy."
Mark Dorn, President of Henkel Asia-Pacific andGlobal Head of Craftsmen, Construction and Professional Division, HenkelAdhesive Technologies, said, "As a global market leader in the globalmarkets for adhesives, sealants and functional coatings we continue to grow ourinnovation capabilities across the Asia Pacific. Our upgraded Innovationand Application Lab in Sydney enables us to offer the latest productinnovations to the market. From food safety and sustainability for thepackaging industry to raising the standards in engineered wood production, weare excited to offer game-changing solutions to our customers."
The Innovation and Application Lab is co-locatedat Henkel's adhesive manufacturing facility. This facilitates a rapidtransition and reduces the time to market from product concept and developmentto volume production.
Micheal Hajj, Head of Technical for AdhesiveTechnologies at Henkel Australia and New Zealand, highlighted several advancedtechnical capabilities of the lab.
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Henkel operatesglobally with a well-balanced and diversified portfolio. The company holdsleading positions with its three business units in both industrial and consumerbusinesses thanks to strong brands, innovations and technologies. HenkelAdhesive Technologies is the global leader in the adhesives market -- acrossall industry segments worldwide. In its Laundry & Home Care and Beauty Carebusinesses, Henkel holds leading positions in many markets and categoriesaround the world. Founded in 1876, Henkel looks back on more than 140 years ofsuccess. In 2019, Henkel reported sales of more than 20 billion euros andadjusted operating profit of more than 3.2 billion euros. Henkel employs morethan 52,000 people globally -- a passionate and highly diverse team, united bya strong company culture, a common purpose to create sustainable value, andshared values. As a recognized leader in sustainability, Henkel holds toppositions in many international indices and rankings. Henkel's preferred sharesare listed in the German stock index DAX. For more information, please visit www.henkel.com.
Photo material isavailable at www.henkel.com/press