HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 11 December2020 - Tricor Group ("Tricor"), a leading businessexpansion specialist in Asia, is pleased to announce the launch of Tricor IPOSmart Pay ("IPO Smart Pay") as supported by HSBC's real-time direct debitsolution IPO Smart Pay is a new feature added to the Tricor IPO APP, themarket's first white form e-IPO APP rolled out in October 2019.
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The launch of the new IPOSmart Pay on the APP further enhances its user-friendliness by offering a fastand secured payment method for IPO applications. In addition, unlike IPOapplications through banks and brokerage houses where an investor's funds areimmediately frozen once the application is submitted, Tricor IPO Smart Pay willonly debit monies automatically and securely from the investor's designatedaccount on the IPO closing date. The appeal of IPO Smart Pay is manifold,including investors' ability to have greater flexibility with their funds andmore time to determine the appropriateness of a particular IPO. Investors areallowed to cancel and resubmit their applications anytime before the closingdate. The APP also charges no application and service fee.
"The successfullaunch of the Tricor IPO APP last year has set new standards and delivered abrand new digital IPO experience to both issuers and investors," said Mr Joe Wan, CEO of Tricor Hong Kong. "Thisyear, with the support from our important partner HSBC, we are excited to incorporatethe cutting-edge payment technology into the APP, turning it into a perfect solutionfor online IPO application.
"We at Tricor always stayat the forefront of the industry, and we see digitalisation as one of theirreversible trends. The adoption of digital processes not only helps companiesimprove operational efficiency but also enhance corporate governance, which isparamount for sustainable business operations. We will continue to innovate andpartner with other industry leaders to present more inspiring technologysolutions going forward." Mr Wanadded.
"The continuousintroduction of new technologies to the Hong Kong securities market has led tothe long anticipated advent of electronic IPO. Electronic IPO platforms haveemerged and brought a number of benefits such as more environmentally friendlybusiness practices and optimisation of workflows," explained Ms Pamela Chung, Managing Director &Head of IPO, Tricor Hong Kong. "We strive to help our IPO clients achievesuccessful launches. Taking care of public investors' needs under the Covid-19new normal is one of our IPO service priorities, especially when HKEX has now issueda consultation paper on paperless listing and subscription mechanism. The IPOmarket will continue to enjoy robust growth, and drive investors and issuers'adaptation to new technologies, which ultimately will benefit the Hong Kongsecurities market as a whole."
"Tricor's focusalways lies on the customers and the improvement of their experience. IPO SmartPay is another example of how Tricor leverages the most up-to-date technologyto build better customer experience. This is just the start of an evolution inthe new IPO experience and more changes will come in the new year." noted Ms Catharine Wong, Managing Director - Headof Share Registry & Issuer Services, Tricor Hong Kong. "Our initiativeto further digitise the IPO process works well with other major marketdevelopments like FINI to facilitate efficient subscriptions. We also understand that privacy and dataprotection is extremely vital to get users buy-in. Mindful of this, whendeveloping these new enhanced features, we have carefully reviewed every step andstrictly ensured that only those need-to-have information under the currentregulations are collected, and the direct debit information is being handled bythe customers' own banks with the highest protection of customer's data. Inaddition, we have employed multi-layer security and full failover protection sothat sensitive and confidential information remain as the domain of our valuedcustomers. Now in conjunction with our auto payment method supported by HSBC,investors can enjoy a new end-to-end digital IPO experience with completepeace-of-mind operation."
Wallace Lam, Head of Corporate, CommercialBanking, Hong Kong, HSBC, said,"Digitisation has become a must-have for different sectors. HSBC is pleased toprovide an innovative cash management API solution for Tricor IPO Smart Pay,elevating the IPO subscription journey for retail investors in Hong Kong andhelping them capture investment opportunities with greater convenience. Oursolution also greatly enhances the efficiency of IPO subscription process andoperational workflow, reaffirming our ongoing commitment to support corporateclients in their digital transformation journey."
As a leading share registrar with anoutstanding track record in supporting new issues and IPOs, Tricor activelyparticipates and provides support throughout the entire listing process. Havingintroduced the Tricor IPO APP, which is now augmented by IPO Smart Pay, bothissuers and investors are assured of the ability to promptly and flexiblyengage in IPO pertinent activities like never before, all the while underpinnedby the highest level of security. Tricor will continue to direct effortstowards the development of even more advanced and impactful digitalisedsolutions that fully capitalise on the digitisation trend, as well as the dawnof the 5G era from which will bring a step change in the way people work andlive.
Founded in 2000, Tricor Services Limitedhas been the leading business expansion specialist in Asia. Our team of 700+professionals serves over 10,000 clients across multiple industries, includingmore than 50% of listed companies and family offices, from Hong Kong and Chinain full strength.
Tricor Services Limited's businessexpansion solutions include integrated business management advisory, corporateadministration and secretarial services, trust and fiduciary services, andhuman resource consultation. Tricor Inside, our unique approach to businessexpansion, empowers companies to seamlessly maneuver from start-up to IPO andbeyond.
Take your first step towards businesssuccess with Tricor. Join the industry leaders, and get to know more at www.tricorglobal.com.