Hong Kong SAR - Media OUtReach - 25 November 2020 - Reckitt Benckiser Hong Kong("RB") is expanding its partnership with Habitat for Humanity in its thirdphase of the Community Anti-Epidemic Support Programme. The total face value ofthe operation and in-kind donation of the 3-phased programme is worth over HKD6.8million. In this phase, RB extends its support to help low-income families,elderly people and vulnerable women in Hong Kong to have cleaner and healthier homes.
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As a global leader in health and hygiene, RB has been continuouslyaddressing the collective fight against COVID-19. Mr. Pankaj Agarwal, GeneralManager Hong Kong & Taiwan, Health, RB Hong Kong, says: "We exist to protect, heal and nurturein the relentless pursuit of a cleaner and healthier world. In the third phaseof the Community Anti-Epidemic Support Programme, we hope to strengthen accessto hygiene for low-income families, elderly people and women and to break thechain of infection during the unstable pandemic situation in Hong Kong."
The collaboration with Habitat will support nearly 500low-income families and vulnerable elderly people, including women in the community whohave been financially impacted by COVID-19. RB has donated Dettol and Aerogard cleaning,disinfection and protection products to support family health and hygiene andprovide a deep cleaning programme. The programme employs local domestic workersto provide a deep cleaning service to vulnerable elderly and disabled familiesliving in substandard housing.
Mr.Boudewijn Feith, General Manager Greater China, Hygiene, added "In addition tosupporting elderly people to have safer and more hygienic homes, we are alsoproviding hygiene products and part time employment opportunities for vulnerablelow-income women who have been experiencing financial difficulties as a resultof the pandemic."
RB has partnered with Habitat in Hong Kong since 2018,supporting its Project Home Works programme which provides basic renovationservices to low-income elderly and disabled people living in public rentalhousing. In 2019, RB sponsored Habitat's Women Build programme, renovating ashelter for pregnant teenagers in crisis and a shelter for migrant workers andtheir babies. "The COVID-19 outbreak has spread rapidly to allcorners of the globe and the need for clean and healthy housing is morecritical than ever. We are grateful for our meaningfulpartnership with RB. Long-term, cross-sector collaboration is vital to thesustainability of our programmes and will impact the health and well-being offamilies and communities in Hong Kong," said Jo Hayes, CEO of Habitat forHumanity Hong Kong.
Drivenby the vision that everyone deserves a decent place to live, Habitat forHumanity began in 1976 as a grassroots effort. The housing organisation hassince grown to become a leading global non-profit working in more than 70countries. Habitat works locally in Hong Kong and across the Asia and Pacificregion, to help families achieve the strength, stability and self-reliance theyneed to build better lives for themselves. Financial assistance and volunteersfrom Hong Kong have contributed to Habitat supporting more than 29 millionpeople globally. Through shelter, we empower.
RB* is driven by its purpose to protect, heal and nurture in a relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world. We fight to make access to the highest-quality hygiene, wellness and nourishment a right, not a privilege, for everyone.
RB is proud to have a stable of trusted household brands found in households in more than 190 countries. These include Enfamil, Nutramigen, Nurofen, Strepsils, Gaviscon, Mucinex, Durex, Scholl, Clearasil, Lysol, Dettol, Veet, Harpic, Cillit Bang, Mortein, Finish, Vanish, Calgon, Woolite, Air Wick and more. 20 million RB products a day are bought by consumers globally.
RB's passion to put consumers and people first, to seek out new opportunities, to strive for excellence in all that we do, and to build shared success with all our partners, while doing the right thing, always is what guides the work of our 40,000+ diverse and talented colleagues worldwide.
For more information visit www.rb.com
*RB is the trading name of the Reckitt Benckiser group of companies