MILWAUKEE, U.S. - Media OutReach - 13 October2020 - Rockwell Automation (NYSE: ROK)today released the PlantPAx® 5.0 distributedcontrol system (DCS). This latest DCS version from Rockwell Automation helpsindustrial producers positively impact the lifecycle of their plant operationswith plant-wide and scalable systems to drive digital transformation andoperational excellence.
Newsystem capabilities help digitally transform operations by introducing processfunctionality native to the controller, improving the availability of systemassets driving compliance in regulated industries, while enabling the adoptionof analytics at all levels of the enterprise. Intuitive workflows and the useof industry-leading cybersecurity standards will help teams design, deploy, andsupport a DCS infrastructure which reduces time-to-market and helps plantsrealize profit at a faster rate.
"We're excited to bring PlantPAx DCS 5.0 to ourcustomers," said Jim Winter, Global Process Director, Rockwell Automation. "Newsystem features are step changes in helping our customers lower the overallcosts to design and commission. The functionality improves the overall effortto integrate the process control layer to the enterprise. By reducing thelifecycle cost of the system and lowering operational risks, we are continuingto find innovative ways to bring more value to end users."
Processend users desire a system that offers the benefits of a modern experiencewithout the burdens that come with a traditional DCS. The new 5.0 releaseinnovates the modern DCS in the following areas:
o Thisrelease introduces new process controllers and extends the Logix family withcutting-edge processing power and capacity to reduce the complexity of PlantPAxarchitectures. This footprint reduction reduces total cost of ownership of thesystem throughout the lifecycle.
o Withnative process instructions embedded in the controller firmware, project teamscan adopt approaches to control strategies that drive consistency forindividual projects or multi-site deployments. Consistency simplifies thelifecycle management of deployed systems as teams modernize their automationinfrastructure. Consistency lowers total cost of ownership (TCO).
o PlantPAx5.0 provides improved design and operational user experiences. Developmentteams will realize savings in the configuration of instrumentation, alarms anddiagnostic system elements. Operators will have the extended ability to viewunderlying control logic in a safe and secured manner. Maintenance will havecontrolled view access for troubleshooting.
o Tooperate at peak performance and minimize cybersecurity threats, PlantPAx 5.0system architectures are TÜV certified to the international standard ISA-99/IEC62443-3-3 which provides guidance on the implementation of an electronicallysecured system.
o Processend users recognize the value of analytics as an essential strategy to realizeprofit in their process operations. The PlantPAx 5.0 release has purpose-builtframeworks that easily connect live and historical data from the DCS intoreporting and analytical tools.
o Enablesextended experiences, such as Augmented Reality, using workflows aligned withprocess strategies controlling plant operations.
o Allowsextensible scalable analytic packages leveraging predictive and prescriptivemodels for process applications such as soft sensors, anomaly detection, ormodel predictive control.
Asproducers continue their digital transformation journey, the advances from thissystem release will help them unlock value and reduce overall costs at allphases of the plant lifecycle. For more information about PlantPAx DCS 5.0,please visit rok.auto/plantpax.
Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK), is a global leader in industrial automation and digitaltransformation. We connect the imaginations of people with the potential oftechnology to expand what is humanly possible, making the world more productiveand more sustainable. Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, RockwellAutomation employs approximately 23,000 problem solvers dedicated to ourcustomers in more than 100 countries. To learn more about how we are bringingThe Connected Enterprise to life across industrial enterprises, visit www.rockwellautomation.com.