SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 27 August 2020 - Spackman Entertainment Group Limited ("Spackman EntertainmentGroup" or the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"),one of Korea's leading entertainment production groups, wishes to announce thatthe next major film following #ALIVE, to be produced by the Company'sindirect wholly-owned subsidiary, Zip Cinema Co., Ltd. ("Zip Cinema"), isBROKER (working title). #ALIVE previously crossed the 1 millionticket sales within five days of its theatrical release and maintained its #1position at the Korean box office for three consecutive weeks.
BROKER shall star top Korean actors namely, Song Kang-ho of Oscar-winning PARASITE(2019) & SNOWPIERCER (2013), Gang Dong-won of MASTER (2016)& THE PRIESTS (2015), and Bae Doona of KINGDOM (2019) & STRANGER(2017).
To be distributed and invested by CJ ENM, BROKER is directed bycelebrated Japanese film director, Kore-eda Hirokazu, who won the Palme d'Or atthe Cannes Film Festival for SHOPLIFTERS (2018) and the CannesJury Prize for LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON (2013).
BROKER relatesthe story ofindividuals whose lives become intertwined around a mysterious 'Baby Box',which is a box designed to allow people, who are unable to raise children, todeposit their babies anonymously.
Filming for BROKER is scheduled to commence in 2021 and screenplay works of the film iscurrently in progress.
With the upcoming film, BROKER, ZipCinema is aiming to produce its fourth consecutive commercially successfulfilm, following #ALIVE (2020), CRAZY ROMANCE (2019) and DEFAULT(2018).
SpackmanEntertainment Group Limited ("SEGL"or the "Company"), and together withits subsidiaries, (the "Group"),founded in 2011 by Charles Spackman, is one of Korea's leading entertainmentproduction groups. SEGL is primarily engaged in the independent development,production, presentation, and financing of theatrical motion pictures in Korea.According to Variety, Korea was the world's fourth largest box office market in2019, behind only North America, China and Japan.
The Group also invests into and produces Korean televisiondramas. In addition to our content business, we also own equity stakes inentertainment-related companies and film funds that can financially andstrategically complement our existing core operations. SEGL is listed on theCatalist of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited under the ticker40E.
Production Labels
SEGL'swholly-owned Zip Cinema Co., Ltd. ("ZipCinema") is one of the most recognised film production labels in Korea andhas originated and produced some of Korea's most commercially successfultheatrical films, consecutively producing 10 profitable movies since 2009representing an industry leading track record. Recent theatrical releases ofZip Cinema's motion pictures include some of Korea's highest grossing andaward-winning films such as CRAZY ROMANCE(2019), DEFAULT (2018), MASTER (2016), THE PRIESTS(2015), COLD EYES (2013), and ALL ABOUT MY WIFE (2012). For moreinformation on Zip Cinema, do visit https://zipcine.com
SEGLalso owns Novus Mediacorp Co., Ltd. ("NovusMediacorp"), an investor, presenter, and/or post-theatrical distributor fora total of 79 films (58 Korean and 21 foreign) including ROSE OF BETRAYAL, THE OUTLAWSand SECRETLY, GREATLY, which was oneof the biggest box office hits of 2013 starring Kim Soo-hyun of MY LOVE FROM THE STARS, as well as FRIEND 2: THE GREAT LEGACY. In 2012,Novus Mediacorp was also the post-theatrical rights distributor of ALL ABOUT MY WIFE, a top-grossingromantic comedy produced by Zip Cinema. In 2018, THE OUTLAWS, co-presented by Novus Mediacorp broke the all-timehighest Video On Demand ("VOD")sales records in Korea. For more information on Novus Mediacorp, do visit https://novusmediacorp.com
TheCompany owns a 100% equity interest in Simplex Films Limited ("Simplex Films")which is an early stage film production firm. Simplex Films hasthe following films in the pipeline namely, A BOLT FROM THE BLUE, IRREVOCABLEPROMISE and OUR SUPERSTAR K.
The Company owns a 100% equityinterest Take Pictures Pte. Ltd. ("TakePictures") which has a line-up of several films including STONE SKIPPING,GUARDIAN (working title) and the co-production with Zip Cinema for THE PRIESTS 2.
The Company owns a 100% equity interest in Greenlight ContentLimited which is mainly involvedin the business of investing into dramas and movies, as well as providingconsulting services for the production of Korean content.
TheCompany owns a 20% equity interest in The Makers Studio Co. Ltd., which plansto produce and release four upcoming films, the first of which will be THEISLAND OF THE GHOST'S WAIL, a comedy horror film.
Ourfilms are theatrically distributed and released in Korea and overseas markets,as well as for subsequent post-theatrical worldwide release in other forms ofmedia, including online streaming, cable TV, broadcast TV, IPTV, video-on-demand,and home video/DVD, etc. We release all of our motion pictures intowide-theatrical exhibition initially in Korea, and then in overseas andancillary markets.
TheCompany holds an effective shareholding interest of 43.88% in Spackman MediaGroup Limited ("SMGL"). SMGL, acompany incorporated in Hong Kong, together with its subsidiaries, iscollectively one of the largest entertainment talent agencies in Korea in termsof the number of artists under management, including some of the top names inthe Korean entertainment industry. SMGL operates its talent management businessthrough renowned agencies such as MSteam Entertainment Co., Ltd. (Son Ye-jin,Lee Min-jung, Ko Sung-hee), UAA&CO Inc. (Song Hye-kyo, Yoo Ah-in, Park Hyung-sik),Fiftyone K Inc. (So Ji Sub, Ok Taec-yeon), SBD Entertainment Inc. (Son Suk-ku),and Kook Entertainment Co., Ltd. (Kim Sang-kyung, Kim Ji-young). Through thesefull-service talent agencies in Korea, SMGL represents and guides theprofessional careers of a leading roster of award-winning actors/actresses inthe practice areas of motion pictures, television, commercial endorsements, andbranded entertainment. SMGL leverages its unparalleled portfolio of artists asa platform to develop, produce, finance and own the highest quality ofentertainment content projects, including theatrical motion pictures, varietyshows and TV dramas. This platform also creates and derives opportunities forSMGL to make strategic investments in development stage businesses that cancollaborate with SMGL artists. SMGL is an associated company of the Company.
TheCompany owns a 100% equity interest in Constellation Agency Pte. Ltd. ("Constellation Agency"). ConstellationAgency, which owns The P Factory Co., Ltd. ("The P Factory") and Platform Media Group Co., Ltd. ("PMG"), is primarily involved in thebusiness of overseas agency for Korean artists venturing into the overseasmarket. The P Factory is an innovative marketing solutions providerspecializing in event and branded content production. PMG is a talentmanagement agency which represents and manages the careers of major artists infilm, television, commercial endorsements and branded entertainment.
The Company owns a 100% equityinterest in Frame Pictures Co., Ltd. ("FramePictures"). Frame Pictures is a leader in the movie/drama equipment leasingbusiness in Korea. Established in 2014, Frame Pictures has worked with over 25top directors and provided the camera and lighting equipment for some of Korea'smost notable drama and movie projects including ITAEWON CLASS (2020), HOWTO BUY A FRIEND (2020), KIM JI-YOUNG, BORN 1982 (2019), FOUR MEN (2019)and ASADAL CHRONICLES (2019).
Previously,Frame Pictures was also involved in GIRL COPS (2018), MALMOI (2018),SUITS (2018), MISTRESS (2018), LIFE (2018), LIVE(2018), MONEY FLOWER (2017), SWEET REVENGE (2017), BAD GUYS 2 (2017),THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA (2016) and VETERAN (2015).
Wealso operate a café-lounge called Upper West, in the Gangnam district of Seouland own a professional photography studio, noon pictures Co., Ltd.
Formore details, do visit https://www.spackmanentertainmentgroup.com/