HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 17 June 2020 - Leading bespoke solar developer and asset management company NEFIN Solar Asset Limited ("NEFIN"), a member of the NEFIN Group, has formed a strategic rooftop solar partnership with St. Paul's College ("SPC"), one of the oldest school in Hong Kong which always keeps young at heart. Under the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Scheme supported by the HKSAR Government, NEFIN has successfully installed solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on SPC's rooftop for the generation of solar energy and reduce carbon footprint in May. An array of student-driven programmes on STEM education, green energy, solar panel design, global classroom, internships and mentorship will be organised for students of different levels with the ultimate aim to create a sustainable future through education.
On 12 June, NEFIN and SPC launched the first phase of the solar energy collaboration project in the presence of alumni, students and staff. This pilot solar energy project is sponsored by a group of devoted SPC alumni who are always keen to support their alma mater. The official completion ceremony is also an initial step towards meeting the shared vision - "Education plays a crucial role in raising awareness of environmental challenges, and shaping the attitudes and behaviours of students can make a difference," the Vice Principal, Mr. Wong said, "Our curriculum needs to equip students with the skills and values needed for a sustainable and productive future. Students should learn to trade off short-term gains for long-term sustainability such as reducing the consumption of plastic bottles, paper and energy. Making these choices requires critical thinkers who can connect their daily decisions to long-term consequences, not just for themselves, but for the society. Our school must play a role in preparing students for this challenge."
The solar PV panels will collectively generate 10,400kWh of clean energy per year, off-setting approximately 8,400kg of carbon emissions annually.
"SPC is the first educational institution in Hong Kong to have a joint development with NEFIN. We are very honoured and excited to be part of this landmark solar PV project where we achieved both environmental contributions and academic credits. We hope this collaboration will serve as an inspiration to other schools across the city and lead to more solar energy initiatives among schools in Hong Kong'" said Mr Glenn Lim, CEO of NEFIN. "Solar energy is considered one of the most preferred and reliable renewable energy options due to its silent operation, ease of maintenance and very minimal or no environmental impact."
"Despite the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, NEFIN has completed some remarkable PV projects around Asia. Institutions that have actively participated in embracing sustainability and take positive steps to achieve carbon neutrality include but not limited to, LF Logistics in Hong Kong and Bosch Automotive in Nanjing. The continued CSR commitment towards green energy and the fight against climate change is encouraging and NEFIN is proud to be a committed and strong partner for such efforts." added Mr Lim.
Please download media photos from the following link: https://we.tl/t-eTvRaTZqmS.
Founded by core management team of DuPont Solar Business, legal expertand investment bankers, NEFIN Group has collectively delivered over 300MW ofutility-scale, commercial and industrial rooftop solar systems regionally. Themission of NEFIN is about achieving carbon neutrality for companies. The groupoffers consulting services such as due diligence, feasibility studies andlender-technical advice on top of project development, system design,engineering and asset management. NEFIN Group also offers flexible financingoptions to partners who opt for zero investment. Please refer to NEFIN'swebsite www.nefinco.com for more information.
About St. Paul's College
Founded in 1851, St. Paul's College has a long tradition. We espouse acommitment to education in Hong Kong, offering a modern, liberal education inthe English language (but including the subject of Chinese language in thecurriculum). The school is based on Christian principles, Protestant andEvangelical, as professed by the Sheng Kung Hui. The motto of the College is"The fear of Lord is the beginning of wisdom". The College strives to nurtureeach student holistically, instilling an overarching sense of moral, social andspiritual responsibility for the physical world and the local community. TheCollege is celebrating its 170th anniversary in 2021. For details,please refer to the website www.spc.edu.hk or https://www.facebook.com/spceduhk/.