HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 8 January 2020 - In a bid to achieve its carbon neutrality goal as soon as possible, Bosch, in partnership with NEFIN, the bespoke solar developer, announced the completion of its first solar photovoltaic project at its Nanjing plant of Bosch Automotive Aftermarket (China) Co., Ltd. Government representatives including Mr. Tao Lei, Deputy Director of the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Mr. Liu Hongwen, Member of the Nanjing Bureau of Commerce Party Committee and Deputy Director General of the Nanjing Investment Promotion Bureau, Mr. Shen Yinlong, Deputy Director of Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Mr. Tao Xiaojun, General Manager of State Grid Nanjing Power Supply Company, also management of Bosch Group including Dr. Frank Scheidemantel, Regional President APAC of Bosch Global Business Services and Member of the Board of Bosch China, other VIP guests and media participated in the event that took place on 8 January 2020.
The Nanjing project is, by-far, the largest solar project by Bosch globally. The project is divided into two phases. With completion of the first phase, 17,422 solar modules, would be installed on available carparks and ground surface, approximately the size of 100,000 square meters in total. The first phase is expertly engineered to produce an estimated 7,700,000 kWh clean solar energy per annum and reduce carbon emission by 8,000 tones. Leveraging on the robust mounting structure, the ground mounted solar panels can easily be redeployed to the rooftops of buildings in Bosch in the future. With construction started by 1st August 2019, the first phase was completed within five months, which is exceptionally short compared to industry standard. With the full system up and running, it will be able to generate an installed capacity of over 10,680,000 kWh, worth over a million-dollar saving for the company.
Climate change has created much challenges for the world in recent years. In view of this, all nations are aggressively seeking ways to embrace cleaner and greener sustainable solutions for the long run. China has also launched a series of carbon neutrality measures to combat with the challenges. According to Mr. Frank Meyer, Senior Vice President (AA/MFG-AP) and PM of Bosch Automotive Aftermarket (China) Co., Ltd. Nanjing Plant, "Bosch aims to be carbon-neutral by 2020. It will be the one of the first batch of multinational companies to achieve this ambitious goal. This Nanjing solar photovoltaic project is one of the most important steps taken towards this goal." This Nanjing solar project, in collaboration with NEFIN, will be a showcase for other Bosch plants around the world. NEFIN is a world-renowned solar energy developer with bespoke experience in solar system deployment. NEFIN has developed over 180MW solar projects worldwide. This collaboration showcased best practices in the united effort towards carbon neutrality. At the same time, it helps Bosch save huge energy costs in the future and helps cultivate towards the vision of embracing more green energy on a global scale.
"It is our largest C&I solar project in China. With this first successful collaboration between NEFIN and Bosch, I believe this paves the way forward towards carbon neutrality in China and opens doors to opportunities globally." said Mr. Glenn Lim, CEO of NEFIN.
In the near future, Bosch will further explore possibility to adopt solar energy around plants in Asia and worldwide. As partner of Bosch in this matter, NEFIN will continue to contribute its expertise and professional solutions along the way. The Bosch Nanjing solar panel system is already contributing power to the plant.
Founded by core management team of DuPont Solar Business, legalexpert and investment bankers, NEFIN has collectively delivered over 180MW ofutility-scale, commercial and industrial rooftop solar systems all over theworld. The group's total solutions not only offer comprehensive portfolio ofhigh-performance products, feasibility study, system design, engineering andasset management, butalso provide flexible financing solutions to partners who opt for ZEROinvestment. Please refer to NEFIN's website www.nefinco.com for more information.
Bosch Group is a global supplier of automotive technology andservices. In 1902, Bosch designed and manufactured the world's first spark plug,a major milestone at its automotive development history. Bosch Automotive Aftermarket (China) Co., Ltd. (AACN) is a whollyowned company by Bosch Group. The company was previously known as Nanjing HuadeSpark Plug Co., Ltd (NHSP), a joint venture by Bosch Group and Nanjing Electricin 2 April 1996. Bosch Group obtained full ownership of the company by February2010. Since then AACN has become a solely owned subsidiary of Bosch Group. Sharecapital was further expanded by March 2011. New plant was built in East Zone ofNanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone and reopened on 20 March2013, occupying about 31 Million square feet. The company develops and producesspark plugs, brake components and diagnostic equipment. It is the Bosch'slargest spark plugs manufacturing base, with advanced R&D hub and testingfacility for both the independent aftermarket and original equipment services.
After 27 years of robust development, the Nanjing Economic andTechnological Development Zone has become an important state-developed areawithin the eastern Yangtse Delta region. It is also key zone for industrial development,technological innovations and opening to the outside world for Nanjing as awhole. Working alongside the "4+4+1" industrial development roadmap for Nanjingcity in recent years, the Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zonehas vigorously developed into industrial landmarks for the three key traditionalindustries of top-notch display, high-end equipment and biomedical industries. Atthe same time, it has further developed into new areas of new-energyautomobiles, artificial intelligence and other new industries, especially into electro-opticalindustry, with an aim to become the province's No. 1, China's top 3 and one ofthe world-renowned industry landmarks. With the recent establishments by flagshipenterprises including LG New Energy Motor Batteries, Byton Motors and NIOMotors, new energy brands are gaining more attention and will soon form aunique landmark of its own inside the Development Zone. While promoting economicgrowth, the Development Zone also aggressively explores possible greendevelopment models, scientific formulas and solutions, resources centralizationand waste recycle or segmentation management. All these efforts have resultedin continual advancement in operational quality, energy conservation and carbonreduction. The Nanjing Economic and Technological Development Zone has receivedmany recognitions in these years, including but not limited to, being the StateSustainable Economy Pilot Zone (国家循环经济试点园区), the State Industrial Ecosystem DemoZone (国家生态工业示范区) and the Best Showcase of State Economic and Technological Development Zonein Green Development (国家级经开区绿色发展最佳实践园区).