HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 11 October 2019 - Hongkong InternationalTerminals (HIT), COSCO-HIT Terminals (COSCO-HIT) and Asia ContainerTerminals (ACT) joined hands today to promote driving safety within the terminals atthe "Kick-off Ceremony of Terminal Driving Safety Week cumLaunching Ceremony of Safety Booklet". To raise the safetyawareness of frontline workers and truck drivers, the terminal operators have published a booklet about driving safely in the container yard. HIT, COSCO-HIT and ACT have always put occupational safety and health of frontline workers a top priority, hosting regular activities to promote occupationalsafety and health. The total number of injuries in the first half of 2019went down by 42% compared tolast year.
At the ceremony, Mr. Jeff Leung Wing-yan, theDeputy Commissioner for Labour (Occupational Safety and Health) emphasised the importance of occupational safety and health at thecontainer terminals, "To maintain the high efficiency of container handlingoperation, the occupational safety and health (OSH) of workers at containeryards is of utmost importance. Heavy lifting machineryis widely used at container yards. Proprietors or employers have to appoint acompetent person to conduct task-specific risk assessments to identify allpotential hazards in order to devise a safe system of work. Workers including operatorsof such machinery and truck drivers, on the other hand, must take care of theirown OSH and that of other workers by complying with the safety rules incontainer terminal."
Mr. Leonard Fung, Managing Director of HIT said, "We strive to promote occupational safety and health through regular activities. OurAnti-truck Lifting Safety Week achieved remarkable results in terms of promoting safedriving and operations to truck drivers. The total number of injuries involvingtruck-lifting was nearly halvedin 2018 as compared to that in 2017, and there has been nosimilar accident this year."
Mr. Lawrence Shum, Managing Director ofCOSCO-HIT said, "Occupational safety and health is very important to terminaloperations. We prioritiseabove all else the safety of our staff and external contractorworkers during the day-to-dayoperations. COSCO-HIT and ACT recorded zero injury for 140 consecutive days between February and July thisyear. "
HIT, COSCO-HIT and ACT received the certification of ISO 45001, theworld's first international standard for Occupational Health and SafetyManagement System this year for the sound implementation of internal safety management systems and relevant strategies.
With rich images and simple text, the latest safety booklet remindsworkers of the rules related to safe driving in the terminals. The booklet also includescontent about common causesof accidents, ways to reduce accidents and road safetyguidelines. HIT published two similar safety booklets in 2017, "Working On Boardand on Ground" and "Working as Operators", to remind workers about important safety rules when working on vesselsand at container yards.
The Terminal Driving SafetyWeek will be held from 11-18 October at HIT, COSCO-HIT and ACT, with thepurpose of enhancing the safety awareness of truck drivers inhandling containers within the terminals. Throughout the week, there will begame booths, container chassis inspection, safety informationsharing and signing of safety charter.
Hongkong International Terminals is the one of the leadingcontainer terminals in Hong Kong. With a strong emphasis on productivity andefficiency, Hongkong International Terminals is committed to the developmentand implementation of forward-looking, service-enhancingtechnology.
HongkongInternational Terminals is a member of HPH Trust, the world's first containerport business trust listed in Singapore. Hongkong International Terminals isalso a part of Hutchison Ports' global network of port and logistics operations, and continues to have access to services andresources enjoyed by companies within the Hutchison Ports Group.
HutchisonPorts is the port and related services division of CK Hutchison HoldingsLimited. Hutchison Ports is the world's leading port investor,developer and operator.