SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 25 September, 2019 - Singapore-headquartered FinTech start-up BetterTradeOff has developed a life-planningsolution, that helps individuals make well-informed decisions for their future.The solution, the first of its kind, is built on a technology platform thatincorporates advanced statistical models and artificial intelligence.
The company partners with the world's leadingfinancial institutions, enabling their financial advisors to provide clientswith a transparent and unbiased plan for achieving their life goals and dreams.
The platform was developed to combat the complexitiesof traditional financial planning, leveraging real-time data and analytics to helpadvisors provide clients with a meaningful and intuitive understanding of theircurrent financial situation.
It also has the ability to show the financial impactof a client's every decision, so they can see and understand clearly the outcomeof each decision they make. Elements of the plan can then be dynamicallyadjusted to suit the user, while offering unbiased solutions, such asinvestment strategies, to help them achieve their life goals.
The BetterTradeOff solution not only simplifies financialplanning, it also helps advisors build trust through transparency, while makingbetter recommendations to their clients.
BetterTradeOff currently has presence in four countries:Singapore, the Philippines, the UAE and Switzerland, and has been recognizedinternationally by multiple industry awards, including the 2018 Global FinTech Hackcelerator-- a high profile industry event organised by the Monetary Authority ofSingapore (MAS) to honour revolutionary and innovative market ready solutions. Thecompany also won the "DIAmond Award -- for Most Innovative Start-up" - at themost prestigious InsurTech event in the world, the DIA Conference 2018. The awardacknowledges the latest and most innovative financial technology, that istransforming the industry today.
The company, which is led by five industry expertsnamely Laurent Bertrand, Cedric Gouliardon, RobertLonsdorfer, Sylvain Thiebaut, and Greg Samuel, who together have over 100 yearsof experience in the financial services and technology sector, started witha purpose of helping individuals unleash endlesspossibilities in their lives through the power of better decisions.
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