HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 5 April 2019 - Kerry Logistics Network Limited ('Kerry Logistics'; Stock Code 0636.HK) announcedthe signing of a memorandum of understanding between itssubsidiary, KLN (Singapore) Pte Ltd, and Laos's Sitthi Logistics for theestablishment of a joint venture to develop a dryport in the Vientiane Logistics Park in Laos. The signing ceremony was heldtoday and attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of Laos, Sonexay Siphandone, as the guest of honour. The move is part of KerryLogistics' development strategy to seek accelerated growth in ASEAN bydeveloping an integrated Greater Mekong Region platform covering Thailand,Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos.
The dry port will be situated in an area of approximately 35 hectares, to be developed in phases for thetransfer of cargoes at Vientiane, which connects the railway lines betweenChina and Thailand from Kunming to Bangkok. An efficient dry port is not onlyexpected to help attract investment to Vientiane and its surrounding areas, butalso turn the city into a major economic hub along the Belt and Road traderoutes.
George Yeo, Chairman of Kerry Logistics, said, "We at Kerry Logisticsare proud to play a role in the development of Laos and what will become an importanteconomic corridor between China and Southeast Asia. We are fortunate to have inSitthi Logistics a strong local partner. Together with Sitthi Logistics, wewill work hard to make the dry port project a success and an asset to theLaotian economy."
KerryLogistics will provide management expertise, while Sitthi Logistics willprovide local support. The facilities will allow the logistics industry totransport goods by road and rail and create an efficient logistics system toaccommodate a range of industries and facilitate distribution along theeconomic corridor between China and Thailand.
To enable the Laotian economy to benefit from the Kunming-Bangkok rail andto fully utilise the plentiful resources and labour in Laos, the Lao governmentis introducing economic incentives and conducive regulations for the buildingof an efficient logistics centre in Vientiane.
In 2018, Kerry Logistics completed the Phase one of the inland port inMandalay and the inland port in Yangon. With stronger growth anticipated to persist in Asia, particularly inSoutheast Asia and India, Kerry Logistics will continue to leverage itsestablished network in Asia to take advantage of the booming intra-Asia tradeand maintain its business growth in Asia.
Kerry Logistics is an Asia-based, global 3PLwith the strongest network in Asia. Its core competency is providing highlycustomised solutions to multinational corporations and international brands toenhance their supply chain efficiency, reduce overall costs, and improveresponse time to market. Kerry Logistics has a network covering 53 countriesand territories, and is managing 60 million sq ft of land and logisticsfacilities worldwide, providing customers with high reliability and flexibilityto support their expansion and long-term growth. Kerry Logistics NetworkLimited is listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and is aselected Member of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index Series 2017-2018.