HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - April 2, 2019 - Shenzhen in China will be hosting UNLEASH InnovationLab in 2019, November 6-13. Being a headquarter for many high-tech companies,an attractive place for startups, and a city dedicated to sustainabledevelopment, there is no doubt that Shenzhen will take UNLEASH to the nextlevel. Applications are open from March 18-April 18.
UNLEASH gathers1,000 young people between 20-35 years old in a new location each year to comeup with solutions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Thisyear Shenzhen will be hosting these talents, when they go through a week ofinnovation.
"We are veryexcited to be hosting the next UNLEASH Innovation Lab. Shenzhen is a city builton innovation and start-ups, which makes a great environment for young talentsto come up with solutions to the Sustainable Development Goals", says Mayor ofShenzhen, Chen Rugui, who is a great supporter of getting UNLEASH to China.
UNLEASHgathers talents from all over the world to find solutions to the SustainableDevelopment Goals.
UNLEASH startedas an idea by the Chairman of the Carlsberg Foundation and Carlsberg Group,Flemming Besenbacher.
"I had a visionof creating the leading innovation lab for the UN Sustainable DevelopmentGoals. Since the very successful event in Denmark, we have held another successfulevent in Singapore, and I'm very excited that the next event will take place inShenzhen -- a city known for its commitment to sustainability, innovation, andtechnology", says Professor Flemming Besenbacher, who is also chairman ofUNLEASH, and foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Anders Dons,Nordic CEO at Deloitte -- a core partner since the very beginning of UNLEASH -is also looking forward to taking UNLEASH to the next level:
"Deloitte willonce again lead the innovation workshop with our team of facilitators fromacross the world. They will guide the talents and help them accelerate andtransform their ideas into sustainable solutions to the world's biggestchallenges - in just five days. The local culture has a great impact on theinnovation journey the talents experience, and Shenzhen is the perfect start-upculture for new ideas to flourish,"he says.
In just ninemonths, two rounds of the UNLEASH Innovation Lab have taken place. UNLEASH hasgathered almost 2,000 top talents from 143 countries all over the world to comeup with solutions to the world's most pressing problems resulting in 370solutions to the Sustainable Development Goals.
"The core DNA ofUNLEASH stays the same no matter where UNLEASH goes, but we are excited to seehow our talents can be inspired and influenced by Chinese culture. It will beinteresting to see how it will affect the type of solutions developed atUNLEASH" says Executive Director of UNLEASH and Chairman of Dalberg Group,Henrik Skovby.
In Shenzhen,UNLEASH will again gather 1,000 people from all over the world, as well asinvolve civil society and private public sector in the innovation process.
Whatwill happen at UNLEASH 2019?
The talents willbe working in teams which are decided based on the SDG-theme they areinterested in. They will then go through the UNLEASH innovation process, beforepitching and attending the Closing Ceremony.
November 6: Kick-off and welcome to Shenzhen:
Talents areintroduced to the city of Shenzhen, the Sustainable Development Goals, and eachother.
November 7-11: SDG Innovation Lab
Talents convenearound core SDG themes to co-create and generate tangible solutions to globalchallenges.UNLEASHculminates with massive collaboration activities and closing ceremony. The bestsolutions will be given awards and some of the most influential people in theworld will speak about the importance of the 2030 Agenda.
Whoshould apply?
UNLEASH acceptstop talents typically aged 20-35. Successful applicants will excel across 5general criteria.
Theprofiles UNLEASH is looking for are: