MELBOURNE,AUSTRALIA - Media OutReach - 22 February 2019 - PageUp, a leading provider of talent management solutions,today announced major new customers, executive appointments and new productofferings, enabling the company to continue transforming the way organisationsrecruit, develop and retain talent in 2019.
Trends affecting the HR landscape
In 2019, the HRSoftware-as-a-Service (SaaS) industry is set to grow further. With technologydriving major efficiencies in recruitment, time to hire rates are decreasingand offer to hire rates are increasing: a testament to the trend towardsstreamlined, mobile-optimised application processes that treat the job seekerlike a customer.
Another trendshaping the industry is the focus on employee-initiated training opportunities. In 2018, PageUp saw an 80% increase in learningactivities requested by employees that require manager approval.
PageUp welcomes new customers
The rapid growth in the HRtechnology landscape has been reflected in the new customers PageUp has won inthe first half of the 2019 financial year. These include Ramsay Health, Australia's largest private hospital operator, in apartnership that will see the organisation deploying PageUp's recruitment andonboarding solutions to streamline processes for over 30,000 staff across 73hospitals and retail pharmacies in Australia. Deakin University has also selected PageUp as its recruitmentsolution to overhaul and modernise its talent management approach.
PageUp welcomes new AI partner
2019 sees PageUp welcome newmarketplacepartners to join the 100+ HRtechnology vendors in its partner marketplace. PageUp has partnered with artificial intelligence startup PredictiveHire to empower joint customers to reduce bias in recruitmentprocesses.
Executive team appointments
To continue supportingcustomers in the region, PageUp has announced a number of internal leadershipshifts. After leading PageUp's presence in the US region for the past five anda half years, Robert Hill has returned to Australia and will be assuming therole of Senior Vice President of Global Alliances.
Taking Hill's place will beSarah Forbes, who has relocated and assumed the role of Senior Vice Presidentof North America & EMEA in mid-January. Forbes led PageUp's South-EastAsian arm for five and a half years. Going forward, Forbes' prior position willbe split into two roles. Chee Leong Lee will focus on growth and sales as VicePresident Asia, while Aaron Hardy will focus on execution and operations asVice President Operations and Strategy Asia.
Platform enhancements
Continuing its dedication tocreating technology people love to use, 2019 sees PageUp elevating the userexperience of its products to make them more intuitive, mobile anduser-friendly. This follows the launch of its new Express offering, designed asa solution to help mid-sized businesses evolve their talent managementprocesses.
"Modern jobseekers andemployees now demand a consumer-level technology experience from employers,"said Karen Cariss, CEO and Founder, PageUp. "Increasingly people leaders aredeeply involved in the talent journey from candidate to alumni. HR technologymust serve a broad spectrum of users, from the most sophisticated to the least.I'm proud to see how our team at PageUp works with customers to deliverinnovative solutions people love to use - software that is effective and has agreat user experience."
The powerful PageUp platform optimises each step of thetalent management lifecycle -- so everyone can reach their full potential.PageUp Talent Management software enhancesHR processes with technology that HR professionals, people leaders andemployees love to use. From recruitment and onboarding, through learning, into performance, and right up tobest-practice succession planning, all backed upby platform-wide analytics.
Customers love PageUp for its deep functionality and abilityto be customised for a range of workflows and industries, all accompanied byoutstanding customer service. Used in over 190 countries, PageUp is a trulyglobal solution. PageUp has offices in Hong Kong, Manila, Melbourne, New York,Singapore and Sydney.
With over 15 years experience in leadership roles acrosssoftware development, product management and solution selling, Robert Hill hasworked across a range of industries including Technology, Education, HR,Finance, Supply Chain, Distribution and Media. Graduating from Harvard BusinessSchool and Swinburne University of Technology's BIT scholarship program, Robertstarted his career as a developer before moving into IT leadership, and thenbusiness leadership roles, most recently Senior Vice President North America.Robert will be assuming the role of PageUp Senior Vice President of GlobalAlliances.
Sarah Forbes brings more than 12 years of in-depthexperience to the technology and human capital sectors spanning Asia Pacific,the US and EMEA. In her time at Pageup she has held a variety of roles,including sales, product management, global accounts management, alliances andpartners, implementation, and business development. Sarah has taken the role ofPageUp Senior Vice President of North America & EMEA after leading PageUp'sSouth-East Asian arm for five and a half years.